Opening her mouth to argue further, the appearance of Professor Snape, Professor Moody and Headmaster Dumbledore cut her off. Her Head of House walked right up to Fudge, looming over him. He shoved his arm right in his face, rolling up his sleeve. "Here is your proof!" he snarled.

Fudge paled dramatically and staggered back a few steps. Heather didn't pay attention. Not when her gaze was fixed on the black tattoo on the forearm of her Professor. The Dark Mark. Horror filled her as she stared at it. The disgusting brand of loyalty all Deatheaters had.

Professor Snape had been a Deatheater all along? She'd confided in him, spent time with him, respected him. No words could express the betrayal she felt.

Dazed, she allowed Professor Moody to lead her and Hadrian away towards the castle. "Come on, you two! Let them deal with Fudge. The pigheaded man won't listen to reason."

"Where are we going?" Hadrian asked tiredly after several minutes. He was all but leaning on her as they walked. His limbs trembled from the aftershocks of the Cruciatus and Heather regretted not bringing him to the medical wing immediately. Hadrian shouldn't be traipsing around the castle in his state.

"Somewhere where we can talk unheard. You never know who could be eavesdropping. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" His fake eye rotated all round, as if looking for spies around the corner. "I'll need you to tell me what happened, Potter. Miss Potter, you can leave. I will send your brother to the infirmary later."

She shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'll just come along."

The Professor's remaining eye narrowed for a second before he reached out to open a door she hadn't noticed earlier. "As you wish," he growled roughly.

Unease niggled at the back of her mind as she and Rian entered the room. She was ready to dismiss it as her being keyed up from today's events when she felt a rush of magic aimed at her from behind. She tried to twist out of the way, but then realised she was still supporting Hadrian's weight. Her wand, which had been in her hand, was wrenched from her grip.

'Stupid!' she cursed herself for letting her guard down. Pivoting to face the threat, she watched as he caught her wand in mid-air. She smirked inwardly.

As soon as Professor Moody touched her laurel wand, bright sparks crackled out, sending jolts of pain up his arm. Hadrian took advantage of the distraction to stun the man as she wandlessly summoned her faithful wand. It seemed to purr approvingly when she bound him up in layers and layers of binding spells.

Sighing in relief, she turned to her brother, who was trembling in exhaustion. "Hadrian! You shouldn't have cast anything! You're almost dead on your feet as it is!"

"'M fine..." he slurred, "Jus' a lil' tired."

"Fine, just sit down before you collapse!" She carefully lowered him onto a couch she had transfigured, and as she expected, he fell asleep immediately.

Looking between her dozing brother and stunned Professor, she grimaced. She couldn't just leave them unattended to go find someone. Well, she could just... "Expecto Patronum." Her snidget materialised from wispy clouds, fluttering near Hadrian first before awaiting her command. "Go find Headmaster Dumbledore and bring him here."

It took off like, well, a snitch. All she had to do now was wait. If she shot several more stunners at Moody, then he could only blame himself for getting on her last nerve.


Severus turned away from the imbecilic fool in disgust. How the man had gotten elected as Minister was a testament to the idiocy of the British wizarding population at large. Let Albus deal with the fool.

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