"And what will happen then? Will we be in trouble? Will Anguis?" Hadrian asked worriedly, tightening his hold on his snake.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Heather muttered.

The Headmaster smiled briefly before he turned sombre. "Admirable your sentiment may be, Heather, I'm sure we all remember a certain incident with dear Buckbeak."

Rian made a distressed sound at the implication while Heather tried to calm him. Fred and George jumped in, protesting, "It wasn't Anguis' fault!"

"Of course not," Professor Flitwick said placatingly. "I'm certain there are a few laws about animagi floating somewhere. Especially unregistered ones, as I suspect Miss Skeeter here was."

That soothed their worries marginally. Until, of course, the Headmaster spoke again.

"Well, I'll contact the aurors now, shall I?"


To everyone's surprise, the matter was settled quickly and efficiently. It seemed that Skeeter had made many enemies in the Ministry with her quick-quotes quill. One of the aurors who came to collect the body even looked sort of satisfied. They hadn't even accused Hadrian of anything, not that Heather was complaining. If she wasn't mistaken, Auror Robards had smirked - smirked - when he heard Hadrian's statement. Rita Skeeter certainly wasn't going to be mourned by many.

What concerned Heather most about the incident was the way Professor Snape had treated her brother. She'd never actually seen it first-hand. Rian never complained about it, but she sometimes heard things. She hadn't given it any thought before, knowing that her Head of House really didn't like Gryffindor. However, she hadn't known that the man treated her brother worse than even Neville (whom Heather meant no offence, but was truly abysmal at Potions). Even now, he hadn't stopped glaring at Hadrian as Professor Dumbledore spoke to him.

Heather frowned heavily as she watched them. Hadrian seemed to go out of his way to avoid Professor Snape's gaze, but this wasn't a recent development, judging by the ease with which he did so. She held back a flinch as she looked directly into the man's eyes. It reminded her of her first year, when Professor Snape had still hated her because of her father. Dismayed by the realisation, she stepped defiantly in between them, meeting the glare head on. Dark eyes narrowed, understanding her move as the protective gesture it was. Irritation flashed in his eyes and he turned away, disgusted.

Her heart sank as they were all ushered out of the Headmaster's office. Professor Snape didn't look back.


"Hadrian. Look at me." His face turned obligingly to hers, curiosity plain to see. "About what happened in the Headmaster's office just now... Does Professor Snape always treat you so horridly?" The poorly hidden wince told her all she needed to know. "Hadrian! Why didn't you tell me? I didn't know it was that bad!"

Her brother mumbled inaudibly. She gave him a pointed look. Speaking louder, he said, "'Cos you like him. He can't be so bad in that case. Maybe I just annoy him?"

"Impossible," she stated matter-of-factly. Her brother was immensely lovable. And no, she was not biased. "My opinion of him doesn't matter in the slightest. Right now, I want to know how he's like with you."

"Not too bad," Hadrian hedged. "It's the worst in classes. I try my best, but maybe he doesn't think I'm good enough? Compared to you, maybe. You're the best in potions, after all."

"Hadrian," she said reprovingly, "Flattery-"

"It isn't flattery!"

"-isn't going to distract me. Besides, you're good at potions too. Competent, at the very least. What does Professor Snape do? Shout at you unnecessarily? Take too many points?"

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