What You'll Sorely Miss

Start from the beginning

"Heya Cedric!" Hadrian chirped. He blushed lightly, still bashful in regards to the handsome older boy. They'd danced at the ball, and even held hands a time or two. But he didn't really know where they stood.

"Hi there Hadrian. Working on the Second Task?" Cedric took a seat next to him. Was it his imagination or had he pulled the chair closer than was necessary?

"Yeah, not much progress though." He frowned lightly in thought. Perhaps Janwick's book would prove more helpful. Heather had once recommended it, after all. His frown deepened slightly at the thought. He wanted to not have to rely on her, but even when she wasn't helping, she was.

The Hufflepuff leaned closer. Hadrian's eyes widened at the move, heart fluttering all of a sudden. What was he-?

"Here's a hint: take a bath." That only made Hadrian flush further. Seeming to realise what he said, Cedric quickly added, "With the egg, I mean. Not with me. Because we're not- I mean- Not that I don't want to. Just that-" He took a deep breath. "We just got together, after all. It's too soon. And you're just fourteen."

Eyes wide, Hadrian asked, "Together?"

"O-only if you want, I mean. I thought- After the dance. But-" the flustered Prefect sputtered.

Boldly, impulsively, Hadrian reached a hand out and covered the older boy's. "I w-want to." He could feel the searing heat in his face.

Cedric's eyes lit up and he flipped his palm up to return the grip on his hand. "Great. Brilliant."

Clearing his throat, Hadrian said, "Anyway, I know about the egg. "I've heard the Mermish song. I'm trying to find a spell that will give me a boost in the water." Incidentally, he couldn't swim. At all. Fortunately, the gillyweed would prevent him from drowning. Thank Merlin for Neville's interest in Herbology. He'd initially been worried about getting some because it was a restricted ingredient. Then he'd remembered that he knew NEWT Potions students that weren't his sister. Despite their joking ways, he knew the twins were very reliable.

"Oh, that's great! How did you figure that out? Merpeople are only covered in seventh year CoMC!"

Hadrian launched into the tale of how Ron had mentioned something about the egg sounding as grating as a werewolf howling. Then he'd wondered about creatures making that noise. Which led to him researching screeching creatures like bean sidhes and merpeople. After that, figuring the clue out had been a piece a cake. "I just got lucky, I guess," he concluded.

Cedric shook his head. "No way. That was your own merit. You were smart enough to link it to creatures. I bet you would have made the connection even without Ron saying anything."

"Well," Hadrian said, trying to change the topic, "I need a spell that will augment my physical capabilities for that hour. I won't be able to swim that quickly, I reckon."

"Oh, I could help. If you don't mind me using the spell we find too, that is."

"I don't mind. That'd be great, actually." Hadrian looked critically at the book in his lap. "Not this book, though. I'll need Jupiter Janwick's."

"Oh, I know where to find that! It's in the Restricted Section, but I have a pass." Cedric peered curiously at him. "How do you even know of it, anyway?"

Hadrian shrugged. "Heather mentioned it. Two years ago, I think. Said it was really comprehensive."

Cedric whistled. "In her fourth year? They usually reserve the passes for seventh years. Or NEWT students, at least." Lowering his voice, the older boy whispered, "To be honest, your sister scares me."

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