Huh? What are you talking ?
I can't mee-

It's really urgent and please don't tell kookie about it. Ok?

I took a moment to think and decided to say yes and obviously jungkook was not happy by my response
He quickly grabbed my phone and ended the call

Hanny are you crazy?
Why did you agree

It seems like an urgency to me
I'll be right back
I said and stood up to get my coat but before I could do any of that he held my wrist

No love it's too dangerous I'll go with you
He said still holding me

Don't worry
I'll ask him to meet at the coffee shop near the police station and I'll keep you on call
You stay here and don't even think that I'll leave you for this
I don't care about your past and I trust you

With that I took my coat and car keys before dialing Taehyung

I've send you the location meet me there
I said and hung up without waiting for any reply


I was sitting inside the cafe and called jungkook but not sitting seconds the bell of the cafe door ringed and I looked up to see him
Still in his work clothes
I put my phone on the table, screen facing the table so that he won't know I'm on a call.

He noticed me and walked towards me and sat opposite to me

I'm really sorry for troubling you
He said

I noticed that his eyes were puffy and it seemed like he was crying
I decided not to make any comment on that

If you are sorry then tell it already
I said blankly

Ha-ni shhi as he might have told you
Me and your husband have date before and-

Excuse me what would you like to have?
The waiter interrupted making me kind of annoyed but with a smile I said that we'll order later

I said

I never considered his seriously because I was really afraid of attachments and the day I knew I broke his heart I couldn't stay here for longer that's why I left to Paris

Do you know Ha-ni shhi the first thing I did after coming back was enquire about him and i felt like someone inserted a knife across my chest when I knew he got married

And that day I was devastated
All I thought of was revenge
I never wanted to see him move on when I was suffering even though it was completely my fault

I saw your picture on his instagram and I wanted to ruin you so I joined your office requesting you to be my head so that I could give you a hard time

But all my thoughts vanished when I called my kookie
I'm sorry
I called jungkook today

I realised that I was making a big mistake like the one I did when I let him go.

I never wanted to ruin him again
I've already run away hitting him and breaking him so bad
I can't see that again
I'm so sorry Ha-ni

He burst out into tears hiding his face in his big hands

Why am I seeing all men cry today?

Whatever he said felt genuine and I couldn't stop myself from feeling empathetic

He quickly took the tissue and wiped him nose and eyes

I'm sorry I wasn't supposed to cry
He faked a laugh
I just wanted to apologise but I don't have the guts to face him or talk to him again.
That's why I'm telling you all this

You have already told him
I said making him look at me confused

I took the phone from the table and showed it to him indicating that all these while jungkook was hearing all this.

Jungkook called out and that was enough for taehyung to shed another drop of tear

I don't think I can forget what you did.
We both were immature back then and we still are
I've really considered you as my really cool senior whom I've fallen in love later on
But it's all in the past
I'm really happy that you understood your wrong doings and I hope you won't bother us again.

Taehyung only nodded to that

Don't worry jungkook I'm enrolling myself into the military within a week.

What about your job?

I'll rejoin after I completely get over him
He smiled looking at me and I returned it

Happy married life.
He said and left the cafe before passing a note

Buy him banana milk when he is upset it really brightens his mood!

When did this guy even wrote that I'm between all these drama?

With a smile on my face I left the cafe after buying him banana milk.

Thank god it's all over now !


Happy birthday Mr Kim Taehyung!!!!

(This is prolly the longest chapter I've written)

I never wanted him to be the bad one and today is his bday and irl too he went to military.

Let's just hope for them to come back soon and vibe to their old songs
Comment your favourite BTS song
Mine is Zero 'o' clock

Mr & Mrs Normal - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now