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WARNING- THIS IS ANGST! There is mentions of cutting and other things that are considered gorey so if your sensitive please. Figure has social anxiety here and i tried to make this as accurate as i possibly can so please try not to be hateful if it isn't so accurate! I tried my hardest :)

Thank you :)

Chapter is inspired by the song Prom Queen and Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny! Please listen to those songs they are awesome!


As another day of school passed by.. Another day of torture and for someone like Figure.

Figure was skinny and tall, and he stood out like a sore thumb compared to his healthy and young looking classmates, Figure had his books in his arms as he walked in the hallways of the school with his head down.

People's whispers and mumbling.. Figure felt like it was directed at him, he felt so anxious.. he felt so alone in these halls of terror.

He hid his body as much as possible but he knew that he couldn't hide how his arms looked like. He always wore jackets on top of his school uniform so people wouldn't see how hideous he looked.

He tried to hurry with walking to his classroom when he felt someone's eye's on him. And he couldn't help but look at the person too.

Someone with dark skin and black hair.. and some hazel eyes.. that looked at him.. Figure couldn't help but get anxious once more and he quickly walked.

The person that was looking at Figure couldn't help but blush.. Seek has been admiring Figure for a far.. for a while now but.. Figure seems to always run away when he sees him..

Seek couldn't help but feel like he was doing something wrong somehow.. but as far as he knew.. he didn't do anything wrong..

Figure walked to where his classroom was and all of his classmates immediately looked at him when he opened the door.

Figure gulped as he walked back to his seat anxiously.. he didn't like it when people looked at him, it made him feel anxious.. and he felt like he was doing something wrong when people did..

When in class Figure paid attention to the teacher as normal but he still tried his best to cover his body.. he didn't like how he looked.. he felt bad that people would see him like this.. he listened quietly and tried to shake off the nerves..

When class finally ended.. he walked out of the classroom when that person walked on over to him once more and Figure couldn't help but feel nervous.

Seek walked over to Figure and Seek had a nervous look on him.

"H-hi!.. your Figure right..?"

Seek asked a bit awkwardly but he hoped that this time.. Figure wouldn't walk away. And thankfully! Figure didn't which made Seek calm down a bit.

"Y-yes.. and who are you..?"

Figure asked nervously while looking at this person with a raised eyebrow. He still felt a bit anxious.

"Im.. Seek! I wanted to ask.. if you wanted to be friends..?"

Seek said nervously while looking away with a blush on his cheeks. Figure looked surprised as he hesitated..

Should he become friends with.. Seek..? He didn't know but he nodded.


Figure answered while Seek looked back at Figure with a bright smile.

"Oh my god! Thank you!.. would you be fine if i sat with you on lunch tomorrow?"

Seek said excitedly while smiling. He couldn't believe that he had been friends with Figure! Figure has been his crush for a while now.. and he has been wanting to interact with Figure.

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