♥︎He isnt so bad after all..♥︎

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HI im so so sorry i haven't been posting for awhile.. ihave been SUPERRR busy with school and alot a hell of alot of family problems and projects so so sorry lol anyway enjoy!!

they are half human and CAN transform to monsters if they want. All the monsters live in a mansion but their jobs are being monsters so they are in the hotel for most of the time lol.
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Figure was sitting in his chair pondering plans to scare (name) aka the cryptid expert who keep coming back for 'research purposes' despite them not being "cryptids" they still scared (name) because it was fun and they were always bored so they scare (name) for fun and amusement.

" fucking cryptid expert... " he muttered.

He was cut off by a loud bang that came from outside his room in the mansion. He sighed and exhaled loudly.

"I SWEAR AMBUSH IF THATS YOU I WILL FUCKING PUNCH YOU IN THE GODDAMN FACE" he screamed he sighed and went back to smiling. He sipped his tea sighing in relief and calmness. A soft click cut him off from his peace and quiet.

When i tell you He was pissed, He was pissed and pissed He was when He turned around to meet gazes with seek. He smiled "what do you want and did i give you permission to come to my office? " Figure spoke with a sweet tone. Although He spoke sweetly Seek knew He was not in fact sweet.

Seek rolled His eyes "drop the act Figure, dont act like I didn't hear you yell at Ambush" Figure dropped His smile the moment He said those words.

"Heh.. and if i we're faking i couldn't care less.. my mind is not in a good state right now and i would advise you to not anger me.. get out of my room. " Figure sternly exclaimed. Seek bowed slightly to show respect, although Seek didn't like Figure He knew that He was far more superior than He is as a demon of course.

So He decided to play safe for now and left the room. Once the door was closed with a small click Figure sighed in relief, not having to deal with that anymore He sipped His tea with glea.

ayo that rimmed HAHAHA

"Finally.. peace at last.. " He muttered softly. His job as the 'boss' was quite stressful for Him, He was considered powerful and almighty, considering His origins and all the religious stuff.

He knew He was a lost cause from the beginning. Ever since He was created He felt a sense of guilt... having to be created for crime, killing and murder was.. truly was not something to live for..

He was guilty for awhile for.. decades He felt guilt and remorse for those who He killed.. especially considering His job.. He hated the people who created Him. Even now He fucking hated them to the core.. He wished for years to just.. die.. and just live in the cold void. Forever.

He had nothing to live for after all.. He didn't know what His purpose was in this world anymore.. was He just there to see the world kneel down before Him..? He didn't know and He didn't wish to know.

Before He knew it He felt hot tears stream down His face.. He felt angry.. He clenched His fists. He heared a loud crash. He broke the teacup... blood seaped from His palm shards of glass embroidered into His skin.

"shit.. " he muttered, memories flashed into His mind.

"experiment 301 please come into the labratory... " a deep voice spoke. He nodded and did what He was told He went into the lab. Iron seaped into the room. It spelt very bad but He endured it. He then heared the door close with a loud bang He was startled He was afraid.. scared.

|figure x seek| oneshots!!!|ON HOLD|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن