♥︎maybe i was wrong about love♥︎

588 11 28

A/n: flufffff

A/n pov:

Love a unfamiliar feeling for monsters, but maybe there can be some situations where its necessary? Maybe seek doesn't know, i hold the future not him.

Hes just one of the unsuspecting victims of love, 'oh love a feeling that ill never experience...' he thought, but he was oh so wrong about thinking that, love is to him is just sex and nothing more, but what if he was wrong about that too?

Love affection and warmness an experience figure wants to have..but he was a monster. How could a monster like him love?

'ill never experience that...' he thought, hah the unsuspecting victims of love..he only reads them in books nothing more, love was unknown to him but he oh so wants to have someone to love too!

All that he experienced was platonic love or a heartbreak from the person he loved the most.

Ironic isn't it? 'Monsters falling in-love? Ironic' figure thought as he gulped down the last bit of wine on his glass, maybe just maybe he'll find someone to love.

As seek walked by the hallways of his door he caught the glimpse of someone, "i swear ambush if thats you again!" He spoke as he received no response from the person he thought of.

'hm....weird." he thought as he walked up to more doors finding his way in the kitchen , he saw figure and more monsters there eating or drinking something.

He walked over to figure and talked for awhile,

Figure couldn't believe it his long time crush was talking to him! 'oh my god am i dreaming...' he thought as he talked with seek a little more making figure fall more for him.

Oh if only he knew what'll happen to the both of them in the future...
(2 years laterrrr)

Figure and seek we're currently laughing their asses off because of screech getting stuck in some sort of ventilation system,
As figure was still laughing he didn't know that the monster behind him was staring at him lovingly as their fingers brushed across each other, figure stopped laughing and looked at his long time crush with confusion on his eyes.

Seek looked at him with half lidded eyes as he looked at figure with a serious look on his eye.

Figure looked at him feeling the vibration from his hand, "look...figure i just wanna say that we've been friends for...a long time and i just want to say, thank you so much for being there for me every inch of the way.." seek said avoiding the gaze of figure.

Seek has been crushing on figure ever since they have been friends, and he wanted to confess now or someone else will get him, he couldn't take the chance of someone else getting into him.

He couldn't even think of it.

"I-i like you figure...i have..for a long time..ever since we we're friends actually.." seek said as he took both hands of figure, although figure had no eyes he can still see that he looked at him in shock.

"O-o-oh my god..." Figure said as he trembled underneath seek, seek started to panicking as he hugged him frantically.

"D-did i say something wro-!?" Seek was cut off by figure "n-no you didn't...its just...ive been waiting for that for...a long time...i have loved you ever since i saw you seek.." figure said as seek looked at him tears brimming his eyes.

"Really? I- cant believe it..." Seek said as he hugged figure tightly, figure chuckled as he took his now lovers hands and nuzzled kissed them softly.

A/n: ok i know that didn't really make any sense but- proud of it anyway!

Thank you for all the reads :)))

✐𝐛𝐲- ♬♫𝐙𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢♫♬_

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