♥︎friends(part 2!)♥︎

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A/n; i am so sorry that i dont update that much anymore... I just got very caught up on doing well on school.. If im ganna be honest i feel very burnt out but i can carry on! Lets goooo!!!! Also im just ganna insert you in this story 😈

(Also this little relationship with you and miko are platonic!!!!)

(Miko/figure pov!)

Me and my sister y/n were hanging out in my room just talking about the recent murders in the town lately, y/n was laughing making a joke about the murder that happened right across my library, while i was a little worried since of course its a murder,

but y/n was that type of person who makes jokes about that stuff to which i am open to, If i weren't then we wouldn't be friends right now.

"Y/n are you going to perform piano in that studio your working on again? " i asked to which they responded to with a smile they jogged happily to me holding my hands "of course i am! Why wouldn't i? " y/n chuckled,

they may seem cold and sadistic when i first met them but they soon warmed up to me when they wanted. "Are you going to be there to see me perform though? " y/n asked adjust thing their outfit getting ready for her performance later to which i will take her to,

"OH MY GOSH LORD you look so pleasing looking y/n!! " i exclaimed hugging them tightly, they laughed "yeah yeah of course i look pleasing! I mean i am the great y/n from new york! " y/n sarcastically said spinning so you can see their outfit in a 360 form.

They looked wonderful and magnificent! "Thats what older brothers are for right? " i exclaimed taking their hand in mine kissing them lightly, a gesture that me and them learned after a while.

"Pft- of course!! Now leats go! " y/n pulled me straight to the garage where my car was which shocked me to my chore, "OW jeez calm down- AH OW-! " i shouted from pain hitting my head at the roof of the car.

"Sorry brother... " y/n said gigling a little obviously not regretting the thing she did, i rolled my eyes and drived.

Miko was now on the table watching his sibling perform their solo majestically, "hey? Miko right? " someone said from behind miko, he jumped startled at the familiar voice, he turned behind to see connor who held a cocktail in his hand.

"Oh hey connor! Nice meeting you again! Connor right?" Miko asked to a question he already knew the answer to, "oh yes and miko right may i sit here?" Connor asked to which miko nodded to, "of course you can! It got quite boring so i needed someone to talk to" miko said taking a sip from his wine.

"May i ask do you know the person on the stage performing that piano solo earlier? " connor suddenly asked, "oh yes their my sibling, they perform piano solos here all the time" miko responded,

Both men talked there for awhile and the show ended leaving both men tired and drunk.

"HAHAHA THATS FU- HAHAHA" miko laughed at connors joke woth such offense while connor laughed aswell.

When suddenly a person put a hand on mikos shoulder "miko! Your drunk.. Of course you would be... And oh sir may i know your name? " y/n asked, "uhh- connor ug- you-? " connor said words slightly slurred.

"I see well i need to take my brother back home is that alright sir? " y/n asked to which connor nodded to. Y/n dragged their brother to their car and started driving.

"MIKO WTF-" "TAKE ME back.. To connor... " he said now dropping to the bed that y/n set up, y/n groaned then realized 'connor- *GASP* THE GUY THAT HE WAS TALKING TO WHAT- OH. MY. GOD. IS MY BROTHER GAY-' y/n thought quickly leaving the room ecstatic to what they just found out.

"I will catch you soon brother... ;) "


✐𝐛𝐲- ♬♫𝐙𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢♫♬_

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