Her brother looked to the side, posture screaming 'uncomfortable'. Heather's heart dropped. "Did I do something to upset you?"

His head snapped to face her. "No!" he exclaimed. "You didn't do anything!"

"Then why are you avoiding me?" she asked, pained.

"..." he mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said, I want to work on the tournament without your help."

She immediately protested. "But Hadrian, this thing is dangerous! You could get hurt!" Or worse.

"I can do it." His expression was firm, gaze unrelenting.


"Heather, I want to accomplish this with my own merits. You can't coddle me forever."

Why couldn't she? More arguments threatened to spring forth, but Heather held her tongue. She knew when to give up. Rian's mind wouldn't be changed. Her brother was a competent wizard. It wasn't like she thought otherwise. She just worried. A lot.

Grimacing, she reluctantly agreed. The radiant look Hadrian sported was almost worth it. Almost.


Two identical redheads careened into the room, breathing like they'd just run a marathon. "Heather!"

She looked up from her book and stared expectantly. "What trouble did you two get into this time?"

"We're offended-"

"-truly, we are."

"And here we had some-"

"-news about the first task. Charlie-"

Holding up a hand, Heather quickly interrupted them. "Stop right there! Don't say any more. I promised Rian that I wouldn't interfere in the tournament." Scowling, she continued, "He doesn't want my help, but I've seen him meeting with Cedric to talk about it." Her friends shot knowing looks at her.

"Is that why you've-"

"-been sulking in the Den-"

"-burying your nose in those books of yours?"

"You've read them-"

"-at least a million times!"

"Not that you've ever let us touch them," they concluded, narrowing their eyes.

"I do not sulk!" she retorted immediately. "I just don't see why Hadrian doesn't want my help, but is all okay with Cedric's. I bet-" Caught up in her rant, she didn't notice when Fred and George advanced on either side of her and lunged toward the book in her hands. Jolting in surprise, she tried to maintain her grasp on the book to no avail. "Give that back! You'll damage it!"

"Ah ah, Harpy."

"No need to shriek."

"We just want to see-"

"-what the big deal is about this book." With that, the Fred flipped it open.

"This Book is Property of the Half-Blood Prince," they announced imperiously.

George looked at her slyly. "So who's this prince?"

"Someone we know?" Fred added, waggling his brows suggestively.

To her embarrassment, her cheeks flared hotly. "He's no one. Now give me back my Prince's book!"

"Your Prince?" They grinned wickedly. Heather groaned at the looks on their faces.

White Heather for ProtectionWhere stories live. Discover now