Bea_Cruz robbed💸

Liked by: Amber.williams, judebellingham, AndrewWilliams, masonmount, Jonassmith, and 100,014 others


Amber.williams Poor big bro😢

>Bea_Cruz feel disrespected rn.

judebellingham 👎

SummerCosta23 Give me Andrews's number.😉💋

>Bea_Cruz this is awkward...

>Amber.williams @SummerCosta you're so pretty girl, you're too good for him

masonmount whens the next shoot?

Vinijr Literal cheat

User2457 loved your latest shoot with Amber Williams!💕

AndrewWilliams why is every football player in your comments??

Madison78 omg I watched this game on tv it was so in

>User837 if they don't rematch istg

sportsillustrated check our new article😉

>judebellingham hello??



I tossed my bag onto the bench, "You alright Andrew?"

"Non. Il s'en est juste sorti en trichant. De nouveau." (No. He just got away with cheating. Again.) He sighed, throwing his towel on the floor.

"Ugh. Don't let him get to you, we all know you're the better player anyway."

"véridique au moins." (Truthful at least.) Andrew muttered, taking a seat next to the handbag I had just previously thrown.

"Anyway," He continued rolling his eyes, "Where are Judey and my sister?"

"They were behind me," I spoke, peeking my head out of the door.

"Can you see them?" He whispered, poking his head out the door as well.

I slapped his arm playfully, walked over to my bag, and started digging.

"Now what?" He asked me

I grabbed 5 Euros from my wallet between two of my fingers, and patted him on the shoulder, "Here, buy yourself something from the vending machine."

"Thank you for being my sugar momma." He joked, taking the money out of my hands, and running off.

I picked up the towel that he previously threw onto the ground, and tossed it into the basket for laundry. I sat down back on the bench and started to go onto my phone.

Jude ran in quickly, in some sort of a rush.

"Where is he?!" He shouted, darting his eyes throughout the empty room, searching for the blonde.

"Not here," I said, standing up and walking towards him, "Where is your girlfriend?"

"I dunno," He replied, in his thick accent, "I sort of lost her because she was being a turtle, yeah."

"How is Andrew?" He asked.

"A little pissed off, but I gave him some money and he's going to buy buys some Haribos and be completely fine."

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