Chapter Seventy-Two: The Red Raven (Part 1)

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He was getting headshots so effortlessly and this was done without his Rinna-Sharingan, meaning the young commander was just that skilled in his marksmanship and Sharpshooting.


"Naruto is a commander by skill and not by words or favoritism, he worked for his title, he's trained under us and he is better than anyone at taking on enemy units when he is outnumbered." 

Price told them and they watched as the blond threw a smoke grenade, using the smoke as cover to run away as far as he could with his clones. 

"The kid is scary when he is in full frogman mode and this is where the enemy is going to realize their mistake." 


The smoke started to clear and the PLR soldiers were looking confused, they couldn't find their target, no matter how hard they looked. 


A bullet went through the head of the lead guy of the group, killing him instantly as the rest of the soldiers started to take cover, but that was stupid when you were in the sights of Naruto Uzumaki. 


"They just tried to kill his team, they tried to kill him, they just signed their death warranties the minute they started to fire upon him, they all will know why Naruto chose the sniper alias of 'Red Raven'"

They all watch as pure chaos is caused on the battlefield, all by one man. 



The PLR soldiers sat and watched hopelessly as their comrades fell to Allah as they were killed by the infidel that they were chasing. 

"Send in Reinforcement, we are stuck and we can't move!!" 

One yelled in his Native tongue over a radio, his head was soon blown off by a 6.5mm Creedmoor round powered by Naruto's chakra. 

The site of their comrade's headless state, made one of the PLR soldiers call for a retreat, they couldn't handle the sniper fire. 


He was immediately silence when a Creedmoor round went right through his neck, making him suffer choking on his blood for a while before his neck just gave out of supporting his head and allowed his head to just fall from his body.

The sight was disgusting as the rest of the PLR soldiers around were feeling their souls burning at them to kill the infidel but their numbers were dwelling with the more time they wasted and got out of there. 


One said, two grenades in his hands as he charged to where he thought the sniper fire was coming from, he didn't get far before he was shot in the chest, the bullet with all its power threw him back into a boulder. 

He opened his eyes, and with the remaining life he had left, he searched for the live grenade, once he found it he took it up and tried to apply the pin and fuse back in before it exploded and killed his comrades.  

His comrades beside him only heard the squelching sound of Naruto's 6.5mm Creedmoor bullet splattering his brains all over the surface of the boulder. A few seconds after an explosion could be heard as screams followed and after that, silence rein. 

The other survivors used this as a distraction and ran off, retreating to their old positions to wait for reinforcements. 


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