"What are you doing with that?" Jenna asks changing the topic as she glances over to the ring that Elena currently held catching Aurora's attention.
"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display." Elena explained.
"Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna recognized
"Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring." Elena corrected knowingly causing Jeremy to chime in, his curiosity piqued.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?" Jeremy inquired
"You're not gonna find out." Elena concluded firmly
"That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away." Jeremy added on knowingly.
"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Elena reassures her brother and before anyone else can say anything the doorbell interrupts the conversation, prompting Elena to head towards the door. As Elena leaves, the tension in the room eases slightly. The girl hums slightly amused by the interaction as she chugged down the last bit of her coffee before heading out to try and find a dress for that night.

Once she arrived at the quaint shop on the edge of town, Aurora stepped out of her car, the chill of the crisp morning air sending a shiver down her spine.

Entering the shop, she browses through the racks, her eyes scanning for something elegant yet comfortable. As she sifts through the clothing, a flicker of recognition crosses her mind as she spots a familiar face nearby. However, the person's features remained unrecognizable, as they were slightly hidden behind a rack nearby them.

Her attention shifts to a stunning maroon dress adorned with delicate black flowers. The fabric draped elegantly, catching her eye immediately. With anticipation, she rushes to try it on and finds it fits her like a dream.

Satisfied, Aurora heads to the counter to pay for the dress. But as she reaches into her bag for her wallet, she realizes it's missing. Flustered, she apologizes to the clerk.

"I'm so sorry, I seem to have left my wallet in my car. I'll be right back." Aurora apologized sincerely causing the clerk, a beautiful middle aged woman, to offer her a reassuring smile before Aurora hastily rushes out to her car, retrieving her wallet, and hurries back inside the shop. However, when she arrives at the counter, the woman gives her a perplexed look.

"Oh, your friend already took care of it." The woman informed the girl with a small smile causing Aurora's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"What? Who?" Aurora questioned curiously.
"I'm not sure, actually. He just told me to tell you it's been taken care of." The woman repeated with a hint of confusion in her own voice.
"Do you remember what he looked like?" Aurora asked hoping to figure out who this mystery person was but this just caused the clerk's expression turns puzzled.

"I'm sorry, I can't seem to recall. It's strange; it's like I can't picture his face at all." the woman admitted resulting in Aurora's mind to flood with questions, her curiosity piqued. Who could have paid for her dress? And more importantly, how did they know she wanted it and that it was for her?

With a mix of bewilderment and gratitude, she accepts the dress, having fallen in love with it. As she leaves the shop, the mystery of the anonymous benefactor lingers in her thoughts, adding another layer of confusion to the already puzzling thoughts of her mind.

Aurora and Elena are bustling around the room, setting up their makeup and styling tools for their getting-ready routine. They exchange excited chatter while waiting for their friend Bonnie to arrive.

Aurora, still mulling over the mysterious encounter at the shop, decides to share her experience with Elena.
"So, get this—when I went to pay for the dress earlier, someone had already covered the cost. It was so strange." Aurora explained causing Elena to become confused.
"Did you ask the clerk about the person who paid?" Elena wondered skeptically.
"I did, but it was weird. She couldn't remember much, almost as if her memory was wiped." Aurora elaborated causing Elena's face twists with a mix of amusement and confusion unconvinced by the idea.
"That is really strange...." Elena trailed off causing Aurora to Aurora shake her head, dismissing her own thoughts with a chuckle.

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