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        ELIAS ACCIARDI woke up in Coriolanus's bed

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        ELIAS ACCIARDI woke up in Coriolanus's bed. His hand patted the spot next to him only to feel it being empty. A frown was placed on his lips as he sighed out loud. The past couple of weeks had been rough. Snow always being gone trying to sort out the Hunger Games, ignoring him practically. But at the same time things seemed to go back to normal. Their normal, at least. Claire was also in a happier mood. Even after what she said to him. It was odd. Seeing she was happier. The words would still linger in his mind sometimes. Usually when he couldn't sleep at night and it was too quiet. Or when he let everything tune out having him think about what she said. Everything was about what she said. How she looked at him saying it, her tone of voice she was using. Claire seemed genuinely scared. And maybe it's because she's been here a long time and has seen things before but something about it made his skin crawl.

        Elias decided to ignore it. Like everything else in life he ignores. Until he couldn't anymore. He'll just talk to Claire. She was like a therapist to him sometimes.

He turned over on his side and pulled the blanket up a bit more. Acciardi didn't really feel like getting out of bed. Not wanting to do anything. There wasn't much to do today anyways. Just reading, or eating, and walking around, maybe try to convince Claire to talk him to a market near by. Other than that he didn't do much around here. Then the doors opened and a groan fell from Elias's mouth already knowing who it was.

"Elias!" Claire sang while skipping into the room. She had a big smile plastered on her lips as she opened the curtains up, letting natural sunlight in. "I have to get you up." Then walked over towards the bed, pulling the blankets off of Elias and grabbed him by the arms getting him to sit up.

"For what? The walk I have to go on with Coryo." He rolled his eyes.

"Yes. You always have to look your best." Claire managed to get Acciardi up and off the bed. He threw a shirt on and followed her towards his bedroom.

Upon entering, there were already people inside waiting. Acciardi wanted to turn back around and curl up in bed. He doesn't understand why today there had to be people trying to dress him up. There wasn't no fancy party, or dinner they were going to.

"Stand in front of the mirror please." Claire lead him towards the mirror. "God, your hair sure does grow fast." She seemed to whisper, hand running through it quickly. "But it suits you. I'll keep it long." A pat to his cheek before she walked over towards the table and started looking through stuff.

        The people finally left, leaving Claire and Elias by themselves. Except he was in the suit they specifically made for him. Stuck in it, if you will. Sat in a chair waiting till he could leave. Claire was sat across from him. She looked exhausted from all the running around and trying to make sure things were perfect.

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