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( mention of suicide )

( mention of suicide )

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ELIAS ACCIARDI often wondered what would have happened if his name wasn't called. He actually thought about that a lot. Usually when he lay awake, restless, unable to sleep from waking up from a nightmare he had. He would lay on his back wondering, then switch to his right side, only to move to his left. Sometimes he ended up on his stomach. But the thought lingered in his head, always there. If he would've stayed the same person if his name wasn't called. He sometimes envy's the old him. Wanting to shield him from what is to come. But it doesn't work that way. He only hopes that maybe if this didn't happen he wouldn't have realized the person he actually was. How dark and twisted he thought.

"Elias?" His name was softly called from Nariah, who laid on the coach watching people pass by outside the window. There was no T.V in the living room— or what was supposed to be a living room, because they couldn't afford one. Nor could half of District 12 or all of them for that matter. So watching the people outside seemed to be the only 'fun' thing to really do. Elias would have rather read a book. Maybe pull some crazy ideas, or he would have used to do that. Not so much anymore. Acciardi usually stayed inside now. Nariah was staying over, not wanting to be at her own place. Elias didn't ask questions already knowing why. Her living situation was.. odd, if you could say that. He quietly made his way into the room Nariah was in.

"Hm, what is it?" He asked while sitting at the end of the coach. His gaze followed Nariah's, out the window. Sinclair moved her feet then placed them on top of Acciardi's lap. She kept her eyes outside not once moving them to look at Elias.

"I remember Ivy telling me she needed help with something yesterday. But she pushed it to today. I can't be bothered to go help her. She pissed me off yesterday. I'd rather send you." Her tone was soft, almost too soft. It showed no emotion of how she actually felt.

        "Mm, I see." Elias paused. "And what does she need help with?"

        "Food. Hunting. It's what she does. She never asks you because... you know." Nariah's voice died out on the last part. Acciardi knew what she was hinting towards. "But, I really don't want to see her right now." Her tone turned bored. Ivy and Nariah usually fought like this. But it was mainly Nariah who chose to ignore her so she didn't have to do confrontation. They would end up making up sooner or later.

        "You should forgive her. She didn't mean it."

       "If she shows remorse, maybe I will." Nariah ended the conversation not wanting to talk about Ivy anymore.

        Elias nodded his head.


        "Ivy!" Acciardi called out while walking up the hill slightly out of breath. Ivy turned to see who it was and when she made eye contact with Elias she smiled. Elias's eyes then wandered down to what was in her hand, a stack of arrows and around her was a bow. Ivy usually said it was the most efficient way of hunting, especially from a distance. Along with that she kept the bow and arrow at his house usually because she was also always there.

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