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        ELIAS ACCIARDI was the 12th Hunger Games winner. Except it didn't feel like he was a winner in his eyes. It was almost funny when his name got called out.

' Elias Acciardi ! '

        At first it didn't feel real. He froze. Sweat started building up and he couldn't think. His mind went blank, eyes wide. Elias Acciardi couldn't think. Nothing was coming to his mind. He was good at thinking, getting out of situations when needed. But this, no.. there was no possible way he could out of this. That's how he got out of everything. Maybe it was karma for everything he's done. For all the shit he's put people through. It was only when someone shoved him did he snap into reality. When he felt everything set in. When he actually realized what was going on. That he could possibly die. That he could die. Because it was most likely he was going to die. Elias was skinny, barely having any meat to his bones, he doesn't know how to really fight and has only been in two fights his whole life. Losing twice. So this was a death wish.

        " Oh.. " Elias muttered under his breath as he finally looked around to see eyes all on him. His head fell down to look at his feet, feeling sick suddenly. He shoved his hands behind his back and decided to keep an indescribable look on his face. Then looked back up. He can't show fear, he had to stay strong, for his mother. Acciardi slowly walked forward as people parted ways as he made it to the middle of the path that separated the boys and girls from each other. The gravel crunched underneath his shoes. He could run. No that wouldn't possibly work. He can run, been good at it ever since he could remember. But he couldn't out run them, the Peacekeepers, it wouldn't possibly work. They would catch him in a matter of seconds. Not just catch, they would kill him with just a raise of their gun. It's insane. Absolutely insane. But that's all he was known for. Insane ideas. Most that could get the people around him killed or himself he shall say. Maybe he'll use someone as a shield to protect himself. If he was going to go into the Hunger Games and kill people it wouldn't matter if he killed someone now. Would it?

        Instead Elias Acciardi accepted his fate. Accepted the fact he was going to die just for the people in the Capital to be entertained by children dying. He felt like throwing up. Elias made his way to the stage. He heard some laughter around him and then someone say, ' Acciardi finally getting what he deserves. ' Then snickering around him. He gritted his teeth. Elias wanted to survive. No- he needed to. To prove to everyone that Acciardi always comes back. He slowly walked up the stairs. The eyes of everyone stayed on the back of his head as he walked. He kept himself from smiling. Laughing even. Nothing should've been funny about this whole thing but he couldn't help himself from thinking it was funny.

        The girl tribute was only 13. Her name was Olivia Miller. Elias didn't know anything about her. Or anything at all. Only seeing her around so much. The only thing he did know was her brother was previously reaped and was one of the first to die in the arena. Which must've been hard on the whole family. Especially now seeing their daughter get reaped. Elias made eye contact with her before looking away because he couldn't stand the thought of even imagining what was going to happen to her. He was lined up and was forced to face the crowd. All of the people from District 12 stared at the two of them. He felt sick. Everyone just stared. Not a single word was spoken. Until he heard his mother weeping and locked eyes with her on the ground sobbing. Ivy and Nariah were quick to push past everyone and make their way to his mother trying to comfort her. Elias wished they didn't do that knowing there could be consequences but none of the Peacekeepers moved and his mother's cries only seemed to increase making Elias wanting nothing more than to call out to her. Say everything was fine. He kept his mouth shut instead.

       They both were quickly lead away being escorted to the back. Then got loaded into a train. Didn't even get to say goodbye. Acciardi didn't get to see his mother one last time. Elias once again couldn't think. His mind was racing, heart racing, he was probably shaking too. Olivia wasn't helping either because she wouldn't stop sobbing in the corner while mumbling words to herself. Acciardi wanted nothing more than to bash her head into the fucking wall to get her to shut the fuck up. But he refrained himself from doing that and instead flexed his fingers to distract himself. He needed a plan. One that would ensure he would stay alive. Something, anything. But then again there was Olivia who kept crying and the creaking of the train, then it was the yelling from other people he heard. Now he wanted to bash his head against the wall to get some peace and quiet. Just for a little bit. So he could think of something.

Elias didn't know how long it has been since they were in the train. Days probably. Sooner or later the train came to a stop and everyone was being let out. Elias helped Olivia out because he started to feel bad for her. She had stopped crying and asked if she could sleep against Elias. He agreed. So she slept peacefully for a while before waking up and frowning immediately realizing what was happening. She tried making small talk but ended up sobbing again when she was talking about her parents and brother. Acciardi awkwardly rubbed her back not wanting her to feel bad for crying. He was never good at comfort.

        Then all tributes were all pushed towards another truck and shoved into the back of it. He looked at everyone around him. Some looked scared, angry, fear. Some were indescribable. It finally clicked that Elias would have to kill these people. That they were all humans fighting to the death. He felt his stomach turn. Olivia leaned against Elias and he had to fight off the feeling to push her off of him. He stayed still. It wasn't until the truck started shaking and then tilted. He heard doors open and everyone started falling out of the truck. Acciardi grunted as he hit the ground before quickly getting up and dusting himself off. He looked over towards Olivia and helped her up. It wasn't until he looked over to his right to realize where they were.

        A fucking zoo.

        Like animals. They were being treated like animals. A crowd of people stood on the other side of the fence watching them intensely. It was disgusting. Disturbing even to see them go out of their way to watch them like this. A camera was on the other side of the fence. So other people could watch them in their homes. While they were warm and fed, Elias was not. Instead he was cold, dirty, and starving.

       The days seemed to go faster than expected. Elias didn't feel prepared at all. But finally the day arrived for them to go fight to the death.

       Elias Acciardi ended up taking out half his opponents in the first 5 minutes of the game starting.

He ran towards the middle grabbing anything as weapon. Something so he wouldn't look weak or as an easy target. His hand grabbed an axe and without thinking swung towards his right when he saw someone at the corner of his eye. The axe landed in the persons neck and as Acciardi pulled it out of his neck, blood started to come out making him close his eyes and take a couple steps back so blood wouldn't get on him. It didn't matter though because Elias was going to end up being drenched in it anyways. Elias watched as the body fell before he heard someone yelling behind him. He was pushed to the ground but managed to dodge someone trying to stab him with a pitch fork. Their body landed with a thud. He suddenly felt powerful. The urge to do it again entered his mind. It was a horrible feeling but he couldn't stop himself. The next thing he knew he was covered in blood and breathing heavily looking around to see if anyone else was around him. The axe he had was covered in blood. Everything was. His hands, his hair, clothes, face. He felt like a monster. Almost. Elias almost felt like a monster. He was doing this to survive. To go home, back to his mother.

He wouldn't admit it but doing this made him feel some type of way. Instead he shoved that thought to the corner of his mind so he wouldn't have to think something like that.

        The games only lasted 2 days. Everyone hid from Elias too scared to come out. To face him. Someone tried to come up behind him but he killed them off easily. He didn't know if Olivia was still alive. Elias hoped she wasn't so he didn't have to go face to face with her. He doesn't know if he could do it.

The next day rolled around and people started coming out of their hiding places. Acciardi watched from a far as they started killing each other. Only joining when someone called him from his last name.

        ' Acciardi ! You can't hide from us.. ' He knew they were trying to be scary but it wasn't working. Another body was added to Elias's count. And then another. It felt powerful. He felt powerful. Acciardi shouldn't feel like that and yet here he was.

        The last one standing.

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