Chapter 12

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In the previous chapter:

Midnight: The First Game of the First Year Stage is over! Now let's move on to decide the next challenge! - she says calling everyone's attention, then turning the wheel - Cavalry Battle! - she says excitedly - The points are assigned from five starting from the bottom, so the 40th place has 5 points, the 41st place has 10 points, and so on until the first place has 10 million points - she finishes explaining

Chelsea: Huh? T-Ten M-Millions?! - she says totally blankly

All students - Chelsea: (In other words, whoever defeats the first place player's team you're on!) - think while looking menacingly at Chelsea

Midnigth: That's right, it's a survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to reach the top! - she says excitedly

Chelsea narrates:

The eyes watching me around me are different than when I entered high school, rather than praise, now they were threatening. The first place I got in an instant feels too heavy, in my life as a mermaid I have never felt this way before, but I am already afraid of what is going to happen



Midnight: Now I will explain how to win: you will have a time limit of 15 minutes, each team is worth the total points of its members and riders will wear a flag on their heads with that number. Teams will try to take each other's band before time runs out and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen bands must be worn over the neck, so the more you steal, the harder it will be to manage. And also, even if your band is stolen or your team falls, you are not out, and you can use your quirks, but if you hurt someone you will be disqualified, only the first four teams with the highest score will pass - he finishes explaining - Now go make your team, you have 15 minutes, start!

Chelsea: (Sardines, because I have 10 million points no one will want to team up with me because they don't want to lose points too, so... I'm lost!) - she thinks completely scared, until she feels a hand on her shoulder

She looks up to find Ruby, Izuku and Ochako

Chelsea: Guys?

Ochako: Chelsea, let's team up! - she says enthusiastically

Chelsea: A-Are you sure? They'll all come after me... - she said unsure and with some happy tears

Izuku: C-Of course, besides with us no one will be able to catch us - he said happily

Ruby: Besides, it's better to team up with people you get along with! - she says cheerfully

Chelsea: P-PULPYYYYYYYYYYY - she says hugging her and crying with happiness

Ruby: H-hey relax, haha.... - she says surprised

Chelsea: Sorry - she says wiping her tears - and do you have a plan?

Ruby: Well, I think I can think of something - she says determinedly

One debt to society later

Midnight: Now, it's almost time to start! - she announces as she stretches

Present Mic: Aizawa, wake up, it's about to start - says waking him up - After fifteen minutes to form teams and discuss your strategy!

Aizawa: There are some interesting teams - he says seriously

Present Mic: Now, get ready for the tears of battle! It's time for the bloodiest battle of the AU! Give the signal!

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