Chapter 04

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It's morning in Japan, and Ruby is getting ready to leave for her first day at UA: she puts on her uniform, packs her backpack and goes downstairs to have breakfast with her family

Ruby: And how are your jobs in Japan going? - she asks her parents

Agatha: Pretty good, I've already got a new place to put my real estate sales logo and a lot of people are coming to see me - she says happily

Arthur: In my case, the store's sales are going quite well - he says happily

Agatha: Not to mention that your viewers on your streams keep going up

N.A.: For those who didn't see the movie, Ruby's father in his spare time makes streams of boat jams in the form of ASMR

Sam: At school they asked me what my quirk was, and I told them the same thing you did and they accepted me very quickly, I already have friends to play dodgeball with - he says excitedly

Ruby: That's great - she says while she continues eating her breakfast

Once everyone is finished, The Gillmans proceeds to leave the house to go where they are going, in Ruby's case to the UA academy

Agatha: By the way, Ruby - she says before turning down the street

Ruby: Yes, Mom?

Agatha: You're amazing - she says proudly

Ruby: Thanks mom :D

Ruby arrives at the subway to meet Izuku and Chelsea, and after the train ride they arrive at the UA, and with much excitement they go inside

Ruby: Don't you think it's funny that all three of us are in the same room? - she says happily

Izuku: Y-Yes, we were very lucky

Chelsea: Besides, I'm surprised at how big this place is - she says impressed

After a few minutes they arrived at the door of their respective classrooms

Ruby / Chelsea: What a big door - they said surprised

Izuku: It must be because of the types of quirks that exist - he deduced - (I just hope I'm not in the same class with Kacchan or the one with glasses) - he thought and opened the door to find a very peculiar scene

??: Don't put your feet on the desk! - said the boy with glasses

Bakugo: Huh? - he says mockingly

??: Don't you think that's rude to the top students of the UA and the people who made the desk? - He questioned

Bakugo: No, what high school did you go to? And who the fuck are you? - he asks mockingly

Iida: I am Tenya Iida, I went to Somei Private Academy - he answers firmly

Bakugo: You're one of those elite fuckers, huh? I'll enjoy crushing you - he said mockingly and arrogantly

Iida: Crush me? Are you sure you want to be a hero? - he asked a little scared

Then they both turn to see the door where Izuku, Ruby and Chelsea were, as well as the rest. Which annoyed Bakugo, then Iida approaches them

Ruby: A-Ah, Th-this one.... - she says shyly

Iida: Good morning! I'm Tenya Iida, nice to meet you - he says introducing herself

Izuku: Yes yes, we listened to you - he says shyly - my name is Izuku Midoriya - he says hi

Ruby: Ruby Gillman - greets politely

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