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Dear six

I'm so grateful for your presence. (presence means the fact of being in a place or an appearance of someone. So, if you are standing in front of me, i am in your presence) I don't think you understand how much I care and love you. So, I'll explain it to you.

Six, I love you even though you eat living things. I love you even when you're angry. I love you when you're sad. I still love you when you cry. I love you so much when I see you smile. I love you when you show your sharp teeth. I love your messy hair. I love your pink lips. I love your beautiful eyes. I love your slim fingers. I love the feeling of your hands holding mine.

I love you.

More than anything in this world. I wouldn't risk my life or die for anyone other than you. Ever since I met you in the cabin I knew I loved you and even when you betrayed me I still wanted you back with me. (I'm still sorry for breaking your music box.)

So, I hope you knew how much I loved you before you read this but if you didn't I hope you do now. My love, you are my everything. I can continue to list the things I love about you but I know you struggle to read so I'll stop it here.

I love you so so so much.

Merry Christmas, my love.                                                                                                                                       Mono

—-NOTES:—-                                                                                                                                                                         words: 286

PEOPLE DID WATTPAD DO AN UPDATE? BECAUSE WHY DO THE LINES LOOK LIKE THAT 💀 On a serious note- I'm so sorry I have been gone..I've struggled a lot with motivation and I've been sick for a while. (I'm still sick ^^) But once I wrote this I felt my love for writing come back to me! So, I may continue to write more! Again, I'm so sorry for not posting this closer to Christmas but I need what I needed to do so.. I HOPE I CAN SEE MY FELLOW MOOTS POST MOREE

I LOVE YOU ALL                                                                                                                                                                                    MUAH 💋 

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