I wish I could do more..

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As they huddled under a tree, mono could see the girl shivering with cold. She had caught a bad cold, and he knew they needed to find a way to help her. But in this world, every move they made could be their last. Monsters roamed the land, hunting them down with relentless fury.

Mono searched his pockets for anything that could help. Disappointment rings through his face as he hands her a pack of tissues. He handed them to six, hoping they would provide some relief.

"I wish I could do more," he said, looking at her with concern.

"It's okay," six said, her voice hoarse from coughing. 

Mono felt a pang of guilt. He knew he had put them both in danger by bringing her with him. But he couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind in the cabin.

As they continued on their way, Mono kept a watchful eye out for any signs of danger. He knew that if they were caught by the monsters, they would have no chance of survival. 

Six coughed again, and the boy felt a surge of frustration. He wanted to help her, but he didn't know how. Suddenly, he remembered a tip he read from a medical book from the hospital a while back.

"Wait here," he gently said, as he ran off into the woods.

He soon returned with a handful of leaves from a nearby tree. He crushed them in his hands, releasing a fragrant scent.

"Here, inhale this," he said, holding the leaves under the girl's nose.

She breathed in deeply, and the boy could see the relief on her face.

"Thank you," she said, her eyes shining with gratitude as her nose temporarily clears up.

The boy smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "how are you feeling now?" Mono asks while he smiles behind his paper bag. 

Six takes a moment before answering with a nod, "better.." 

The boy nods back, throwing the leaves back on the ground and holds his hand out for her. She takes a little to hold it back though she usually does that, still not used to affection. 

Mono chuckles at her delayed reaction, his smile still stuck on his face hoping she could see; even though it was clear she couldn't. 

Six clears her throat before staring at mono, waiting for instructions on what to do next or where to go. 

His smile fades but the warm feeling in his chest doesn't go away, he gently squeezes the girl's hand and she responds with another squeeze.

It seems like she was going to speak but her words get replaced by a small cough, she turns her head and with her free hand she covers her mouth.

Mono waits until she's done before tugging her arm, signaling that it's time to start moving. 

He didn't know where to go but he knew that they still had a long way to go, but in that moment, he felt like they could overcome any obstacle together.


words: 565

This chapter isn't much compared to other stories I've wrote before and I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted. I just didn't know how to write it, you know? These chapters are short and I apologize. I HAVE MANY OTHER STORIES / BOOKS THAT ARE BETTER WRITTEN so if you haven't read them you are free to do so. 

Thank you so much @Gold7969 !!

I appreciate everything you comment and suggest ❤️ ❤️ 

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