Chapter 02: Light At The End Of The Tunnel

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Bright had walked to his little cottage with Win in his arms for a whole kilometer, but instead of exhaustion, all that was in his mind was making Win live.

When he arrived in front of his cottage, Tay was already standing in front of it, dressed in thick winter clothes. He ran up to them and looked at Win before trying to take Win into his arms.

"It's all right."

Bright said, shaking his head. This beautiful man in his arms, he was not ready to let anyone hold him.

Tay stepped back, knowing how much Bright hated repeating and then helped Bright unlock the door. He looked behind Bright as Bright kicked the door open only to see two other young boys trembling behind.

"What happened to this guy, and who are the ones following us?"

Tay asked from Bright, but Bright shook his head.

"All I know is they crashed their car on a tree. The two boys look like family, don't you think?"

He asked in return as he gestured Tay to open the door to his room.

"Your room?"

Tay asked, surprised and Bright nodded. No further questions were asked, but Tay was definitely astonished. Well, so was Bright. He had never liked anyone coming into his room, sleeping on his bed, and yet a person drenched in blood.

But right now, all he wanted was to lay on the comfort of his bed, and that was what he did.

"You do realize that your sheet stains are gonna be hard to remove, right?"

Tay asked, skeptically knowing very well how much of a clean freak Bright was, and Bright nodded blankly.

"I know."

Tay didn't say anything further. As a doctor, to him, the patient on the bed mattered the most.

"This is a kind of a long process."

He said, spreading his equipment on the nearby table.

"I want all of you to get out."

He added.


Bright opened his mouth to interject when Tay gave him the look.

"No buts, Vachirawit. Stay outside."

Bright huffed as his jaws clenched, but he said no more. He didn't want to pick a fight with Tay in this mood. What mattered the most right now was Win.

Bright turned to go out first while Ohm and Nanon followed him. Bright closed the door behind after all of them got out, and just then, Ohm rested his back on the wall and crouched down to hug his knees.

"Hey, you are tainting my walls."

Bright looked annoyed as he said, and Nanon almost glared at him but paused when Bright glared at him first.

Fuck, the guy is intimidating.

Nanon thought.

"I'm feeling dizzy. Can I wait like this for a while?"

Ohm murmurred, and that was when Bright asked in a blank tone.

"Why? Afraid of blood?"

"That's his older brother laying on your bed, almost dying."

Nanon managed to say, and Bright only said one word, and that was "Oh."

"And you do realize we all almost died, right? Give us a break."

❄️ A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER ❄️ - A Bright/Win & Ohm/Nanon Mini StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora