Chapter 01: A Stranger As A Blessing

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Win drove somewhat speedily through the snow filled roads of the rural mountain. His younger brother Ohm and Ohm's boyfriend, Nanon Korapat, who Win considered to be his own brother, was at the backseat arguing about something Win didn't really pay attention to.

Ohm and Nanon had always been like that. They were both twenty-one but now have been dating for five years. Yes, they were childhood sweethearts who turned out to confess to each other in high school. Both families approved the relationship, and it had been Win who has been the happiest about it.

Win looked at the back seat and sighed. He wasn't sure about being happy about their relationship anymore.

"What is it now?"

He asked, and it was Ohm who answered.

"I have no idea, Win. Nanon had been sulking as if I cheated on him."

Ohm whined, but there was a slight accusation in his tone, which Win knew was going to irk Nanon.

"And didn't you?"

"Nanon shut the fuck up. You know I would never."

Ohm snapped, obviously pissed and tired of Nanon's antics, but Win said warningly,

"Ohm... don't talk to him like that."

"Or what? You are going to beat me up?"

Ohm countered, and Win looked at him through the rear mirror and said with gritted teeth,

"You know I'm perfectly capable of doing that."

Ohm said no more, probably because he knew Win wasn't kidding. For the next few minutes, all of them were silent. Like a calm before the storm.

Ever since Ohm and Nanon started dating, all that sweetness they shared since they were kids disappeared in thin air. Both of them were extremely possessive and loved each other too much to the point that it got toxic to hurt each other enough.

None of them were patient, none of them were willing to back down or give up for each other and moreover anything, both of them held their ego above their heads which stopped them from solving anything calmly.

Win had warned them several times that it wasn't going to be good for anyone if they didn't stop what they were doing, but none of them seemed to understand it. Like right now.

"Seriously, can't you two talk a single thing out now? You used to be so good at doing that when you were best friends."

Win said, a hint of pain in his voice. He didn't want them to end up like this. Which was also a major reason he was taking them on this vacation.

"That was before I got to know that Ohm could be such as asshole boyfriend, Win."

Nanon hissed, and Ohm could feel his temper rising. Nanon was being too much. So much. Ohm was starting to trip and lose himself over to Nanon.

"What the hell, Nanon? I barely breathe, and you make a scene out of it!"

"And you don't?"

"So that's what makes you do it in return?"

"Damn exactly!"

Nanon said with a scoff as if to intentionally get on Ohm's nerves.

"C'mon just for fucks sake, I only spoke with that man once and I had to!"

"You had to speak with your ex? You literally flirted with him right in front of my eyes!"

"Fucking when? I only said two words, and that was thank you because he damn helped you not to fall off the stairs."

❄️ A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER ❄️ - A Bright/Win & Ohm/Nanon Mini StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt