The twins sat silent throughout her monologue. Their expressions spoke loudly enough. Confusion, then anger and sorrow and worry. In the end, they settled on furious indignation.

"We're gonna kill that man," they stated matter-of-factly. "Of course, the woman has it coming too. Let's throw in the boy as well." They strode to the door, as if they could leave school grounds now to commit murder. This would have been oddly reminiscent of their mother's reaction, had Heather been conscious to witness it.

Huffing exasperatedly, she grabbed their arms and forced them back into their seats. "You can't just kill them!"

"You're right, of course, Heather."

"We have to torture them first."

She made an annoyed sound and said, "No, you have to leave them alone!" They were being so reckless! The Gryffindors. "They're not going to be an issue anymore; I'm working on it."

But...there was a large part of her that was so pleased to have them contemplate homicide for her sake. She wondered what that said about her.

"We could try the Chinese water torture!" George said over her protests, "Subtle yet excruciating, I've been told."

"Nah. I wanna make it really brutal for them. How about we tie each of their limbs to a horse - no, a dragon and release them in different directions?" Fred said evilly.

Heather couldn't help it - she laughed. Morbid and dark sense of humour be damned. She thought, idly, of making a Patronus of this moment,

When her mirth finally subsided, she noticed that George and Fred were looking at her intently. Embarrassed, she said, "What, never seen a girl laugh before?"

They shook their heads dazedly, then grinned.

"Nope, this is the first time since - y'know."

"And it's all thanks to us! The Kings of Laughter!"

Surprised, she considered her words. "It is, isn't it?" She smiled. "Thank you, Kings Weasley."

"Does that mean we can continue plotting-"

"-the Dursleys' torment and eventual demise?"


It might be the first time that Heather was so profoundly grateful for her near-pariah status. She was given quite a large berth by everyone outside her social circle - which was so small it was practically a dot. Though she had mostly recovered from the scare, she was still uncomfortable with unfamiliar males. Which pretty much meant that only the Weasleys and Hadrian could approach her without triggering her full alert.

How Heather landed herself in the current predicament was anyone's guess.

"Heather Potter, we meet again!" Gilderoy Lockhart's booming voice echoed in the dungeons. Heather affected a smile in return. She and Hadrian had met the new DADA Professor at Flourish and Blotts where he had been holding a book-signing.

"Oh, no need to be shy, Heather!" the smarmy man said, giving a million-watt smile.

She backed away surreptitiously. The man was getting much too close for comfort and she was alone right now.

"I've seen you looking at me, you know? No need for embarrassment; everyone has crushes," he continued, oblivious to her distress.

Staring incredulously at the man, she continued to shift away. She had, indeed, been looking at him a lot - but only because she couldn't believe how useless he was. The man's books were clearly all rubbish, He wouldn't be able to defeat a flobberworm, much less a vampire, ghoul or whatnot. The only thing he was proficient at was narcissism.

"My dear girl, you don't have to look so worried! You're not in trouble; I don't blame you for your feelings. Perfectly natural. Teenaged witch, powerful and handsome wizard." Then he put his arm around her shoulder ignoring all her warning signals.

She stiffened, holding back her instinct to throw his arm off, or better yet - rip his arm off. There was no one else around and the arrogant idiot was closing in. His arm! Too near her neck! She could feel her magic rising and she forced herself to kept a tight hold on her wand. Just one pulse of magic and -

"Just what do you think you are doing, Lockhart?" The arm around her shoulders was jerked roughly away and a tall figure stepped in front of her, blocking her from view.

Heather sagged in relief, letting her magic dissipate harmlessly. She was safe. This person wouldn't let anything happen to her. She clutched tightly onto the back of the man's black robes.

"I repeat: what business do you have with one of my Slytherins?"

Lockhart raised his hands in a show of peace. "Now, Snape, no harm done. We were just discussing some sensitive topics. You know how girls are, can't just go around spilling their secrets! I'm a gentleman!"

Professor Snape sneered menacingly, though Heather couldn't see it from her vantage point. "Be that as it may, the situation I found you in was highly compromising. It is utterly inappropriate of you to be so forward with any of your students, especially female ones." He growled threateningly. "Do not approach Miss Potter or any of your students so presumptuously again, you lecherous nincompoop!"

He then gestured for Heather to precede him to his office, which was just down the hallway. Oh, he must have come looking for her when she hadn't arrived at 7pm sharp. She thanked Merlin for her usual fastidious punctuality.

A cup was pushed into her hands when she settled into what she was beginning to think of as 'her' chair in his office. The soothing smell of lavender and chamomile relaxed her enough to thank the Professor.

"You're quite welcome. You looked," he paused seeming to revise his words, "uncomfortable."

She smiled wryly, "Our illustrious Professor Lockhart was labouring under the impression that I harboured certain affections for him." The Professor's brows rose disbelievingly, she was glad to note. "I'm not sure whether he was trying to let me down gently or encouraging me." She grimaced, showing her distinctly non-positive opinion of the delusional wizard. "Fortunately for me, you swooped in to my rescue."

"Fortuitous for Lockhart, rather. You looked seconds away from blasting him to smithereens. Perhaps I should not have intervened until after the fact," Professor Snape said dryly.

Blushing, Heather took a sip of her tea. Had she been that obvious? Anyway, Lockhart had practically been begging for it, the disgusting sod. "Perhaps," she ventured.

"I dare say the man's next novel will be titled Hobnobbing with Harpies," the Professor murmured smoothly.

Heather laughed in surprise. Had Professor Snape just made a joke? Of the twins' nickname for her, of all things? Her laughter dissolved into giggles. Even he smirked slightly in amusement.

Still, the Professor snapped curtly, "Cease this puerile behaviour at once. Veritaserum is advanced and will require all of your focus."

Smiling to herself, Heather went to gather the ingredients she would need. She stood corrected. The Weasleys and Hadrian weren't the only ones on the list. There was one more male she trusted.

White Heather for ProtectionWhere stories live. Discover now