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5 years later

Sobiya's povs:
I looked at myself in the mirror as I got ready to go out with my family. Yes I've my family now after all thus time. I looked at my reflection I don't see young innocent 19 year old girl who was craving for love and suffered a lot in life now I see a 27 year old lady more dignified and content with her life. I smiled at the content face I've now and took my bag to leave.

As I went downstairs I saw my husband standing there waiting for me like he always does and smile appearing on his face as soon as he sees me. The love in those eyes never changed but only increased with time. He doesn't look like young arrogant rude mafia anymore but a family man who wants better future for us.

He said: "We are getting late otherwise that man sitting in the car will get angry!"

I laughed and said: "That's your 4 year old son Roman!"

He said: "Oh no he is a man who stole you away from me. And runs all my servants around him."

I smiled at my jealous husband.

I said: "Oh okay alright then let's stay at home today!"

Roman said: "Oh please no! I only get Sundays to spend time with my son."

I said " So now he is your son now!"

He smiled and said: "Ofcourse! Although
He got all your attention now but still I love him!"

I know he loves Hameen the most. I still remember I was sad after losing my first child and it was hard for me to move on. But Roman was very patient with me. He took care of me long nights, mood swings, my medication, my meals. He took care of my everything and he was scared to touch me because he thought that I'm still weak and need rest all time. It took me one year to recover from that's state then finally after few months I got the good news that I was expecting again. I was so happy that I almost fainted and Roman was scared of this pregnancy. He don't want anything wrong happening to me. But Hameen Amir came to this world healthy and fine and became sunshine of our lives.

As I sat in the car Hameen said: "What takes you so long to come mumma?"

I said: "Hameen I was just getting ready! Now I'm here na!"

Hameen said: "But mumma why you take so long and papa got ready in minutes?"

His questions never ends but we make sure all his quest is answered as we didn't had opportunity in our lives so we make sure he gets all the love we wanted for us.

I said: "That's because I'm a girl! And we need more time to get ready!"

Hameen said: "Mumma you are a woman not a girl! And you cannot use that excuse always!"

I smiled at him as Roman came in and we took our favourite coffee and a milkshake for Hameen and drive to the children park.

Yup! That's where we go. To spend time with our little bundle of joy and create lots of memories.

Me and Hameen were playing while Roman just sat down as he got tired. Obviously he will be tired now he 37 year old not a 29 year old arrogant mafia king. But he is still very fit.

As I was trying to catch Hameen who was running trying to escape from me he stopped near a baby trolley and was looking at the baby.

I went to him afraid that he will touch the baby and the parents may get offended.

I stood behind him and kept hands on his shoulder but he didn't touched the baby he was just staring it in amazement. I looked at the baby in green frock matching her eyes and she was so adorable with that milky tone and chubby cheeks which turned red when she smiled at me.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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