The Hobbit Office Au - Thorin x reader

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Thorin had felt a connection to Y/n ever since she joined the company, but he never acted on his feelings. He thought that she liked Kili instead because of their closeness.

One day, Thorin was walking by Y/n and Kili's office when he overheard Y/n talking to Kili about her feelings.

"I'm in love with Thorin," Y/n said.

Thorin froze in shock. He had never expected to hear those words. He wanted to reveal himself, but he was hesitant.

Finally, Thorin stepped into the office and said, "Y/n, I heard what you said."

Y/n was embarrassed and tried to act nonchalant. "Oh, hi Thorin," she said, trying to keep her composure.

Thorin could see the nervousness in her eyes, so he tried to reassure her. "Don't worry, Y/n. I feel the same way about you."

Y/n was overjoyed, and the two of them embraced in a passionate kiss. Kili smiled in the background, knowing that he had done his part in bringing two people together.

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