Unrequited love Legolas x reader x pippin

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Legolas stared at the sky, his heart heavy with sadness. He knew that he could never be with the one he loved, despite his feelings for her. He wished more than anything that he could share his love with her, but it was not meant to be.

He had watched Y/n for months and his love had grown steadily, but he knew that he had no right to interfere with her happiness. She was in love with Pippin, and Legolas was determined to do the right thing and let her be with the one she loved.

He thought back to the day he had told Y/n how he felt. He had been so sure she felt the same way about him, but she had gently refused him. He had been devastated, but he accepted it, for he knew that Pippin was her true love.

Legolas was filled with sorrow as he watched the two of them together, but he also felt a sense of peace. He knew she was happy and that was all that mattered to him.He watched until the sun set, and then he turned away, knowing that this was the last time he would ever see her. He started walking away, determined to leave them in peace.He knew he would never forget her and the love he felt for her, but he was at peace with his decision. He had done the right thing and he was sure that she would be happy with Pippin forever.

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