Happiness- Aragorn x reader

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Aragorn and Y/n had been friends since they were children, and as they grew, their friendship grew too. But as they reached adulthood, they both realized that they were in love.

But, Aragorn was convinced that he was not good enough for Y/n, and that she deserved better. Y/n, however, felt the same way about herself, and she was sure that Aragorn was too good for her.

The pair continued to pine for each other, but neither of them dared to make a move. That is, until Gandalf intervened.

He had noticed the pair's longing glances and knew that they were meant to be together. He decided to take matters into his own hands and arranged for them to meet in secret.

When the pair met, they were both overcome with emotion. Aragorn couldn't believe that someone as wonderful as Y/n could love him, and Y/n felt the same way.

They embraced and confessed their feelings for one another, and Gandalf knew that his work was done. Gandalf was just glad to see the both of them so happy. He had always liked being a matchmaker.

The two were soon married and they lived happily ever after. Aragorn and Y/n had no doubts that they were good enough for each other, and they were grateful to Gandalf for giving them a chance at happiness.

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