Unworthy - Eomer x reader

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Eomer and Y/n had been friends for a long time, but both of them had been too afraid to admit their true feelings for each other. Y/n was of a lower rank than Eomer, and she felt that she was not worthy of his affections.

One day, Eomer asked Y/n to go for a ride with him. She was hesitant at first, but eventually she agreed. As they rode through the countryside, Eomer began to tell Y/n about how he felt about her. He told her that he had been in love with her for a long time, and that he didn't care about her rank. He said that he saw her as an equal, and that he wanted to be with her no matter what.Y/n was taken aback by Eomer's words, but she was also filled with joy. She had been so afraid to admit her feelings for him, but now she felt like she could finally be honest with him. She told him that she felt the same way, and that she wanted to be with him too.

The two of them rode for hours, talking and laughing. By the end of the ride, Y/n felt like she was finally worthy of Eomer's love. She knew that no matter what, he would always be there for her.From that day forward, Eomer and Y/n were inseparable. They went on many more rides together, and their love only grew stronger. Y/n no longer felt like she was of a lower rank, because she knew that Eomer saw her as an equal. She was finally happy and content, and she knew that she had found her true love.

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