Unrequited Love and Unexpected Revelations - Legolas x y/n x Aragorn

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Aragorn had been secretly in love with you for a long time now, but he never found the courage to tell you. He always had a feeling that you might not share the same feelings, so he kept it to himself. However, he couldn't ignore the feelings that were growing stronger with each passing day, so he finally made up his mind to confess.

He went to look for you and found you with Legolas. His heart sank when he saw the two of you together. He realized that you were with someone else, and he didn't know how to react. The elf had always been a good friend to him, and he didn't want to cause any trouble.

Aragorn tried to hide his disappointment and approached you both. Legolas noticed the change in his friend's demeanor and asked if everything was all right. Aragorn hesitated for a moment before finally blurting out his true feelings.

"I have something to tell you, (Your name). I've been in love with you for a long time now, and I couldn't bear to keep it a secret any longer," he said, looking straight into your eyes.

You were taken aback by his confession, and for a moment, you didn't know what to say. You were also surprised by the revelation that Aragorn had feelings for you. You had always thought of him as a friend, and you never imagined that he felt more than that.

However, before you could respond, Legolas spoke up. "I'm sorry Aragorn, but (Your name) and I are together. We've been seeing each other for some time now," he said, his voice firm but compassionate.

Aragorn felt as if someone had punched him in the gut. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never seen you as being with Legolas, and it left him feeling lost and confused. He didn't know how to react and stood there in silence, looking at the two of you in disbelief.

You could see the hurt and confusion in Aragorn's eyes and felt terrible for causing him pain. You knew that he had been a good friend to you and that he deserved better than this. You tried to speak to him, but he just shook his head and walked away, leaving you and Legolas behind.

The two of you watched as Aragorn disappeared into the distance, feeling a mix of sadness and guilt. You wished there was something you could do to make things right, but you knew that the damage had already been done.

In the end, you realized that love was a complicated thing, and sometimes it could cause more harm than good. You knew that you would have to find a way to mend your friendship with Aragorn, but it would take time and patience to do so.

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