"You okay?" Dallon asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. Dallon got up and pulled me to the bathroom.

"Alright, stop lying. You've been acting weird and I feel like you're lying to me. Spill it," He demanded.

"I told you earlier. I've just been a bit on edge," I reminded him.

"Not once in your life, have you lied to me. You haven't held anything back. If there was a problem, we'd address it immediately. Now please, tell me what's making you space out so much," He said.

"I don't want to do it here. I'll explain everything when I come over after school, I promise," I said.

"Fine," He backed off. I nodded and walked back into the cafeteria. Ryan watched us the whole time and pulled out his phone. I'll get a message in three, two...

Ry- Did you tell him?

Me- No. He got on to me, but I think I got it covered. I promise I'll tell him tonight.

I replied to his message and put my phone back quickly. I got a little hungry, so I asked Pete for his apple. He handed it to me and I took a bite out of it. Within minutes, the apple was gone. The bell rang and I jumped up. This is the last class I have with Ryan before fifth period. He'll be watching Dallon and I the whole time.

"Hey, Mrs. Hundley," I greeted. She smiled and sat down in her chair. She's probably one of my favorite teachers. All she does is teach us the methods, hands us worksheets, and plays good music. She has a kick ass taste in music...

That class ended quickly and I was now on my way to sixth period. One more class and I lose my best friend. I quickly dismissed those terrible thoughts and stepped into Ms. Andrew's class. I went straight to our little corner and waited for them to get here. I know this song like the back of my hand, so it's easy for me. They keep messing a few things up, but after a while, I'm sure they'll have it down.

"Hey Bren!" Spencer shouted. I smiled and waved. He walked over and sat his bag next to mine.

"How was your day?" He asked politely.

"Good. Yours?" I asked.

"The same," He said. Dallon walked in and made a direct beeline to our corner.

"Let's get started," Dallon stated. He didn't seem too happy.

I started to help them on their parts of the song and helped them with any issues they had. Eventually the class ended and it was time to go home.

"I'll see you in a few," Dallon said. He got in his car and started the engine. I got into my car and started it up before backing out and driving towards my death.

I got to Dallon's house and slowly trudged beside him. We walked down the stairs to his bedroom. He sat down on his bed and waited for me to explain.

"Dallon, please don't freak out. I know how you are, but if you were truly my friend, you'd stick with me," I started. His eyebrow raised in confusion. "Dallon, I-I'm gay. And I'm in love with y-you." I admitted. His jaw dropped.

"Get out! Don't touch anything, just get your shit and get out! You're a fucking faggot and I hate you!" He screamed. I flinched and did as I was told. I knew this would happen. Tears brimmed my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. Not now, anyway.

He pushed me out of his house and slammed the door behind him. I ran to my car and got out of there as quick as I could. My vision blurring slightly, I reached for my phone and dialed Ryan's number quickly.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Terrible." I cried. I could practically hear the anger coming from him.

"Get over here. It's okay. He's just a fucking jackass." Ryan said.

"I'll be there soon. I'm just going to drop my stuff off." I sniffled.

"Okay. Later, Brendon. Be careful." He hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and parked outside my house. I grabbed my bag and put it in my room before running back out to my car. I quickly drove to Ryan's and parked in his driveway. He was sitting on the porch, waiting for me. I got out of the car and ran up to him. He hugged me tight and rubbed my back soothingly.

"It's okay, Brendon. I promise. I'll stay with you all day tomorrow. Do you want to stay home?" He asked. I nodded and wiped my eyes again.

"Okay, I'll come over tomorrow. Let's go inside." He said. He ushered me inside and took me to his bedroom.

"Can I lay down?" I asked.

"Of course! Are you hungry?" He asked. As if on cue, my stomach growled.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll be right back." He chuckled. I rolled on to my side and closed my eyes for a few minutes until I heard Ryan come back in.

"You asleep? Cause I brought you some food." Ryan poked me. I rolled back over and took his plate of food.

"Thank you. For everything. You help me so much. I have no idea what I would do if I didn't have you to turn to." I said sincerely.

"Don't sweat it. You're like a brother to me." He said. We sat on his bed, eating food and watching tv for a few minutes. I finished eating and handed Ryan my plate. He went to take it to the kitchen, when I got a text from my mom.

Mom- We're having dinner with the Weekes next Friday. I love you sweetie!

Oh great...

Baby, We're A Hurricane (Brallon)Where stories live. Discover now