CHAPTER 20 - Do you want me to kiss your hands?

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Happy new year everyone,
And sorry I got late because today was family time so I too celebrated new year with my family studying and partying a little with them🥂
So cheers to you all 🥂🍻
Another update

and this continued.....


i come back from gym ,and i was all sweaty

As I scanned through my phone, the door opened, and I turned, only to find Mehak standing there. Her tear-stained face and the evident sadness sent a jolt through me. Something was wrong.

She looked at me, and for a moment, our eyes locked. There was vulnerability in her gaze, and my curiosity shifted to genuine concern.

Mehak's tears were a stark contrast to her usual composed self. I put my phone aside, my attention fully on her.

"What's going on?

Why are you crying?",

"What's this now?

Why the waterworks?"

i asked her in a way that i care less

Her voice trembled as she spoke, gathering courage she shot back ,"nothing you should be concerned of....."

anger too built in me " i want answer to the question not , these stupid back answers". i said dangerously

she got little scared but  did not showed and she speak

" no..nothing"

"speak up" i shouted in a way that can make anyone scared

she told me everything and she told me that dadi said her that she is  from a 'neech ghar.'"

The revelation hit me like a cold breeze. Anger simmered beneath the surface, not just at my dadi's behavior but at the entire situation. Mehak, despite her composed exterior, was evidently hurt.

She continued to stand there, tears silently rolling down her cheeks. The weight of her distress hung in the air, and for a moment, the walls I had built up seemed to crumble. Because in which condition she was I should be happy, as this is what I want for her to suffer , but it doesn't made me satisfied or bit happy

i tried to poke her engaging her in other argument , well that worked, because this time it was dadi's fault, but i felt bad for her , i don't know why? but i felt

at last i said that "She should not  say like  that. I'll talk to her."

My instinct to protect Mehak surfaced, a strange feeling of responsibility that I hadn't expected. As I moved towards her, I hesitated, unsure of how to comfort someone I had sworn not to get involved with.

but i end up saying

"don't read too much into it. I just believe in fairness. If you need anything, never let me know."

and than we don't get into an another  argument, well this girl really have audacity to shout on me, and than stormed out of the room .

And this made me really angry , i too went to bathroom and had a relaxing shower, and after that i went to my study for some work and after some time i come to dinning room for the breakfast,

she was not looking at me once and started serving to everyone after some time she come to me and asked me "aap kya leyange"

i said serve whatever you want ,

because i usually stick to my diet  but than also i had the sandwich , but the aroma of food was demanding my attention, so today i cheated from my normal diet

INVISIBLE PASSIONS : When Hate Becomes LoveWhere stories live. Discover now