CHAPTER 26 - I will rip you apart.

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hey lovely readers an new update, well i don't know when the next update will be as i told you earlier about that in last chapter so enjoy this one!!!!

and thankyou for your cooperation and understanding

Siddharth's pov

It's been long time I didn't see mehak , since her mother asked her to join her In private. Well I am not concerned it just that if something will happen to her there will be another big drama over here and I don't want that

In the mean time when I was thinking that mumma asked me to go find Mehak...... like seriously there are many helpers standing here and she can ask them but no she ask me to bring or find her ...

I don't wanted that but than also I go in search of Mehak......

I have searched main hall but she was no where to be found...... so I went to the corridors which connected main hall to the rooms...... and here I seee

Mehak was beating tanay my anger which was at peak parameter of it got little low even the anger was dripping from her eyes also , looking at her beating tanay a evil smirk also appeared on my face

As tanay was lying on the floor she quickly get up and turned and she was shocked to see me, and i blurted "nice defence and beating"

by her gestures i was able to conclude that she got little relieved to see me and she quickly did a little sprint in my direction,

looking at her i gave her my hankerchief to clean herself as on her hands specially engagement ring there was blood of that tanay

she immediately lowered my gaze and said " sorry i really did not intentionally hurt him but he crossed the line, but i am not sorry for the lesson i taught him.....

i told her to not to tell anyone what she did to tanay and rest i will handle

she just noded

as she was cleaning her i don't know why i was looking her from top to bottom , well i guess i was checking if she got any wound or scratches

in the mean time tany come behinf mehak holding a knife and the way he approched mehak it was clear that he was about to tear her blouse.... anger rushed into me looking at his audacity of tearing my wife's blouse in front of me

i held his hand in  which knife was there and mehak was standing in front of me and  her back was toward's tanay's side in a swift motion i rotated her in a way that she  was behind me

and i told her to stay behind me

   tanay tried to get off my hold and tried to hit me but failed miserably i just punched tanay on face and tanay fell to the ground, and he lost his conscious because he was already tiered of fighting with mehak.

but now i cant spare him i will rip him apart since he is here he is trying to touch mehak in an inappropriate was and it didn't got unnoticed by me and he tried to put hand on the thing which is mine , i will not ignore it, because  i have been ignoring it since long

i looked at mehak she was looking scary  like she was afraid of this bastard tanay

and the only person she can got afraid of is me " siddharth Mahlotar" no one else.

she was looking like a scared little kitten ,  i ask her, in the tone softer than usual,  because i know i was hell of angry at this time and she is hell of scared of  tanay and me also in my  words anger was visible .

"are you ok?, any injury" i enquired

she noded in no and i don't know why i held her hand

it was auto reflex of my body to comfort her

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