-Chapter 05-

Depuis le début

The Castle was quiet, the others probably went to the space market to buy spare parts. Hunk also wanted a new pan because Corna had accidentally broken it.

I wandered through the empty corridors towards the lift that would take me up to the pool.

I'm so tired, I hope I can just relax in peace and- Huh!?

"Lance? What are you doing here? I though you all went to the space market?" Why was he here? This is so awkward. He looked dewually annoyed as me, walking over dressed the same as me, with nothing but shorts and a towel. He also wanted to go for a swim?

"Well, I wanted to relax in the pool since everyone was away, but I guess we had the same idea." With these words, he stood beside me waiting for the lift.

He knows that I had avoided him since the Truth or Dare game, he's probably going to use this opportunity to question me about it and I can't just say

"Well when I found out that you're bi it made me feel weirdly fuzzy and warm in my tummy and it got hard to talk to you and I can't understand it myself but I'm beginning to pay a lot more attention to you and whenever you enter the room I feel weird but I also don't know what this is, so just chill I guess"

The ding of the elevator interrupted my ramble and the doors slid open. We entered, the doors closed and we began to ascend, the room filled with awkward silence. I glanced over to Lance, who was staring straight ahead. My gaze wandered to his chest which was raising and lowering steadily with every breath, his long tanned arms and delicate collar bones. He had really smooth skin...

Wait, am I checking him out?
I shook my head and focused my gaze back on the plain surface of the lift. Suddenly, the lift slowed down and jerked a bit while making awful screeching noises. I lost my balance and accidentally bumped against Lance as the lift finally came to a standstill, probably hanging some meters under our supposed exit level. We're stuck.

I looked dover to Lance, who was wearing an equally clueless look on his face. He muttered some curse words and tried pressing a few buttons again and again, but it seems like the lift has some kind of malfunctioning, which meant we had no escape. On top of that, the lights flickered and then shut down, surrounding us in complete darkness.

I heard Lance's voice from my right commenting "Shit, I think we're stuck." I raise my eyebrows "You think?"

He scoffed and I blinked, trying to get used to the darkness. I tried to remember what the elevator looked like and if it had another exit than the door. Wasn't there some kind of notch at the ceiling? Maybe we can climb up the shaft.

I walked over to Lance, who was still furiously pressing the buttons and proposed "Maybe we can open up that square notch in the ceiling and climb the rest up."

Surprised by the closeness of my voice he jerked away and then asked me as if I was crazy "How the hell are we going to climb up? The shaft is way too smooth, we won't find anything to grip onto."

I ignored him and asked instead "I have an idea. Can you put your hands at the height of my thighs together?"

With a questioning look on his face he did as I said and I used his hands as a step, grabbing onto his shoulfer and pulling myself up until I stood on his hands. His face flushed red because I was so close and he stuttered "Hey, what are you doing Keith?"

Gritting my teeth, I tried to squeeze my fingers in the notch on the ceiling to pry it open. "Just... stay still. It's almost open." I grimaced and finally was able to grab the plate and pull it out, letting it fall on the floor with a shrill screech. A bright beam of cold light lit up the lift and I had to squeeze my eyes shut because of the brightness. I staggered and quickly grabbed the edge of the notch so I didn't send me and Lance crashing down who was breathing heavily from my weight on his hands. Then I gripped on tighter and pulled myself out of the elevator, slumping down on it's roof.

I grinned down at Lance, who was squinting his eyes up at me and offered him a hand. "You need help?"

He shook his head, laughing because my idea actually worked, but grabbed it anyway and let me pull him up too. He sat down next to me, observing the inside of the tube the lift would go up and down. We could see a little square opening a couple of meters above our heads. "How the hell are we going to get up there? The shaft is completely smooth it doesn't even have any steel ropes or anything."

We cluelessly looked around for some kind of bumps which we could use to pull ourselves up, but the Altean architecture had proven itself indestructable, even after 10.000 years.

"Wait, I have an idea!" Lance suddenly exclaimed. "Put your back to mine, then we cross our arms and put our feet to either side of the tube and can press us up, using the others back as support." His eyes glistened with determination.
There's no way this'll work, but I know, but I know that if he once sets his mind onto something, there's no arguing with him.

"Why not, let's give it a try."


I can't even count the amount of times I had to rewrite this part and change up words ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ
I hope it's okay that I wrote the American version for lift, I'm not sure what would be better.
Have a good day/night :)

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