Chapter 33

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Christmas day quickly arrived and the presents had been nestled laid under the tree, all labeled so they could be handed to the correct owners. The only presents that weren't under the tree were the ones Lando and Arribella had gotten Lando's family which were the little gift sets to announce their pregnancy. On the cold and chilly morning, Lando and Arribella awaken wrapped in one anothers arms. His around her waist as she slept atop of him, her head resting on his chest and to the steadiness of his heartbeat.

Lando awakens first and smiles as he looks at his girlfriend, peacefully asleep cuddled ontop of him. He plants mutliple small and soft kisses on top, her slowly waking up to them. "Mmm, can you stop? I don't feel good. This little fetus is doing backflips." Arribella groans as she snuggles into him. "But baby. It's christmas. I want to be up and downstairs so we can cuddle and watch home alone and home alone 2." Lando frowns as he looking at the blonde girl.

"I don't care. I'm feeling like shit so just let me sleep for longer." Arribella mumbles into his chest. "Alright, alright. Don't bite my head off. You can lay here until you feel a little better." Lando says softly. "Thanks baby." Arribella groans as she falls back to sleep in Lando's arms.

Just as Arri falls asleep, Flo knocks and walks in. "Hey, mum and dad are waiting so they can prepare lunch." she says as she looks at her older brother and his girlfriend. "Tell them they can begin making it and we'll get changed when she wakes up. She's just fell back to sleep as she doesn't feel well because of the baby." Lando says as he gently brushes his hand over her hair. "Alright. I'll just say you two are having a lie in but youse will be down near to when food is done." Flo smiles before quietly shutting the door and leaving. Lando gently plays with Arri's hair as she rests a little longer ontop of him. He knew she was already struggling with the pregnancy despite only being a good few weeks along.

When Arribella wakes up again, she buries her face into Lando's chest. "How are you feeling now, love?" the boy asks. "Better for sure. Baby is going insane. This pregnancy is going to be tough." Arribella groans as she looks up at Lando.

Joining Lando's family in the living room, Oliver instantly smirks at the pair which Savannah quickly notices and elbows him. "How did you sleep guys? Clearly well enough to be getting up at 12pm." she jokes turning to the pair. "Best sleep yet. Was definitely needed." Arribella laughs as she and Lando sit down.

Once the meal was out the way, the group opened their gifts. "Okay. And we have one for you all individually." Lando says as he takes some small gifts bags from behind him and hands them to the correct person, handing Mila's and Athena's to Savannah and Oliver. With caution, the group opened the little gift bags.

"You're not! Youse are kidding us." Oliver says, looking at his brother and Arribella. "We're not kidding. We really are expecting a baby." Arribella smiles. Lando's family hug the pair. "If you need any advice, I'm only a phone call away, Arri." Savannah smiles. "Thanks Sav. I might." Arribella laughs.

Once the other gifts were open, the group enjoyed their evening meal before settling down. "Arribewwa. Can I sit with you?" Mila asks the fashion brand owner. "Of course you can, Mila. Come here." Arribella smiles, lifting the young girl onto her lap who cuddles into her. "Already a natural mother baby." Lando smiles as Arribella cuddles into him, her head on his shoulder as Mila nestled into her. "I can't wait for our little one to be here." Arribella whispers to Lando as she looks up at him.

He smiles, looking back at her before softly pecking her lips a few times then turn their attention back to the TV. While the show was on, Mila falls asleep cuddled into Arri as Athena falls asleep in Savannah's arms. "Arri, do you want me to take her up?" Oliver asks. "It's alright, Oli. I'll take her up in a bit." the blonde girl smiles as she gently runs her hand over he little girls hair.

Oliver nods as he has Athena snuggled on his chest. As the night drew on, Arribella took Mila up to bed as Savannah took Athena while Oliver and Lando retreated to their rooms. "I'm serious when I said that you could come to me if you need any advice or help with your pregnancy. I know how tough it is carrying a baby and the demands it has on you and your body." Savannah softly smiles. "Thansk Sav. I'll remember to come to you if I need anything, even if it's reassurance." Arribella smiles as Savannaha hugs her.

"Of course. Anytime." Savannah smiles as the two quietly leave Mila and Athena's room and head to their own after bidding each other good night.

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