Chapter 29

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Qatar came around quickly. Lando scored multiple podiums since his 100th race where he was promoted to P2 after Lewis was disqualified due to plank wear as well as was Charles. "It's actually so warm. I thought I would need leggings but I'm glad I brought some skorts, skirts and shorts with me." Arri smiles as she walks hand in hand with Lando on the day of the race. "It is. But, I feel the cockpit will be boiling." Lando says as the couple walk into the McLaren motorhome. "You'll be fine. When you get on the podium, it'll have paid off." Arribella smiles as she spots Oscar and Lily.

"Hey guys. Ready for today?" she smiles, joining the younger couple. "Nervous. Especially with these temperatures." Oscar comments. "But you and Lan will handle it and do brilliantly. Who knows maybe a double podium." Lily says optimistically. "Lily's right. You two are capable of anything. Anyway, Osc, I'm going to steal your girlfriend, find some of the other wags and have a little catch up." Arri smiles, unlinking her fingers from Lando's.

The two girls leave and head to join the other girls who were in Qatar. "Arri, you have some tea to spill." Carmen informs the girl. "Have I?" she acts like she doesn't know what Carmen is talking about. "Yes. That boy in your post. Who is it?" Kika joins the conversation. Arribella looks around like she doesn't know who. "Is it Lando?" Lily Muni He asks. "No comment." Arribella instantly responds. "It is!" Carmen exclaims as do both Lily's and Kika. "Shh, we don't want it public. We're keeping it low for now." Arribella explains.

The group catch up on what they've all missed in one another's lives before heading to the respective garage's of their partners. "I still can't believe you and Lando are together." Lily Zneimer smiles. "You better. It's took us long enough." Arri laughs as she walks into Lando's garage and Lily walks into Oscar's. "Hey, Xavi. Where's Lan?" the blonde asks the engineer. "Drivers room. Go catch him quickly." Xavi smiles as the girl nods.

She knocks before walking in and shutting the door. "Hey, just wanted to come and give you a good lucks kiss before you get into your car." Arribella smiles, walking over to Lando. "Thank you baby." Lando smiles, pecking her lips gently. "I'll be in your garage cheering you on." she winks before walking out.

Lando gives Arri one last tight hug, his face in her shoulder before he puts his ballyclava and helmet in ready for him to step into his Formula 1 car. Finding her headset, Arri carefully places it over her ears, trying to not mess up her curls in her hair. She could hears all the communication between Lando and his team on the pitwall as well as the action from all around the circuit on the TVs in the garage.

She watched as everything happened in the heat. From Fernando's radio message asking for something to cool his seat down to Logan retiring as he didn't feel well. Her heart was racing as she heard Lando's messages about how warm it is in the cockpit. Parc Fermé was shut as the last lap went ahead and once he crossed the line with his visor up, Lando slowly drives his car around the circuit as he cools down.

Podium celebrations were done and dusted in no time. And once his media duties were done, Lando collapsed onto the sofa in his drivers room beside Arri. "I'm proud of you, you know." the girl smiles as he lays his head on her lap and she ran her fingers through his curls. "Thanks love. Can we just stay here for a while? I'm exhausted after that race." Lando suggests. "How about you find the energy to change, get back to our hotel room and we can relax instead of party." Arri suggests. "Sounds perfect to me." Lando grins, looking up at her sleepily.

"Get up mister. You're squashing my legs." Arri laughs as she pushes Lando off her and he falls to the floor. "Hey! I was comfy!" Lando protests as he stands up. "Well, we can be in the hotel." Arribella grins at him.

Lando gets ready and gathers his belongings before heading out of the paddock with Arribella beside him dealing with some work business. It was a quiet drive to the hotel as Lando and Arribella sat in the back, the mclaren driver falling asleep on his girlfriend's shoulder. "Oi, I'm not carrying you in." the girl laughs as she nudges him awake. "Mhm, let me sleep please." he mutters. "No. Now wake up." the girl laughs moving her shoulder.

Back in their room, Lando instantly collapses onto the bed in their room causing Arri to exhaustedly laugh. She changes into her pajamas and removes her makeup before laying beside him on the bed, Lando cuddling tightly against her with his head on her chest. She smiles as her fingers run through his curls, the other securely around him. "I'm proud of you, love. I know it wasn't easy but you smashed it." Arribella smiles, placing her free hand on his cheek, gently stroking her thumb across it. "Thanks baby. I'm glad I can cuddle you." Lando mutters as she falls asleep. Arribella looks at Lando, placing a kiss on his head before continuing what she was doing as he fell into a deep sleep.

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