Chapter 5

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Back in Monaco following the Bahrain Grand Prix, Arribella was relaxing in her apartment making herself a hot drink as it was still chilly in the southern country of France. With the kettle boiling the water to extremely hot, Arri receives a notification from Maria Bish that Quadrant will be recording in 5 minutes. Just as she prays the kettle will finish boiling the water, it does and Arribella quickly makes a cup of tea and fills her water bottle before heading to her games room.

Logging into her PC, Arri joins the stream which Maria or Ria, Lando, Max Fewtrell and Steve are on. "Good morning to everyone except Max who deserves a bad morning." Arribella giggles, once she joins the stream. Steve, Ria and Lando burst out laughing. "That was uncalled for. Why do I deserve a bad morning but the others deserve a good one?" Max asks, irritated. "You just do Fewtrell. I can sense a bird shitting in your window just now and a spider climbing on your wall." Arribella says, adjusting her camera once it was turned on.

"Oh come on! How is she always right!?" Max shouts as he sees a bird shit on his window. "Did a bird just shit on your window?" Ria asks. "Yeah!" Max says. "You know what they say, mate. Shit for luck." Lando speaks up. "Or in Max's case, bad luck." Steve chimes in just as Max screams. "There's a fucking spider!" he shouts and the other four being laughing to the point where Arribella begins crying just as Niran joins. "What's happening?" Niran asks. "Just Max acting like a little girl." Arribella says through her laughter.

"I'm not a little girl." Max says, once he's calmed down. "You sure mate?" Lando asks. "Yes!" Max responds, sitting back in shit seat. "This is why we need Arri." Ria says. Steve, Niran and Lando agree. "No. We do not. She's just here at Lando's request." Max says. "Mate, shut up. Me and Arri have been best mate since nursery. Me and you go back to karting." Lando defends the fashion owner. "Remember who let one of your designs into the summer range, Fewtrell. It won't happen again you know." Arribella warns him.

The recording begins which was the 6 drawing in They split into teams of three which team 1 consisted of Ria, Arribella and Steve. Team 2 being made up of Niran, Lando and Max. The small group play a good few rounds so they all atleast have 2 goes of drawing. When it got to round Max's first go, he decided to pick a long word that related to Formula 1. "You guys will not get this." Max says, a cocky smile on his face. "What makes you so confident?" Arribella asks back. "It's like 10 letters long." Lando says. "Right, Lan. If I get this, you owe me Ice Cream like today. Capishé?" Arribella says. "Deal." Lando sighs, knowing he will probably lose the bet.

"Mate, this drawing is already going to be horrific." Steve laughs causing Maria and Arri to laugh aswell. "Shut up, just because you have an artist on your team." Max complains. "Cheer Max. But, where's your A-level and university degree is art and fashion?" Arribella jokes. "Ha ha." Max sarcastically responds. Maria and Steve type on their guesses constantly but keep getting it wrong. But, on her first guess, Arribella immediately gets it correct. "Oh, suck on that Fewtrell. Suck. On that. Lando, you owe me an ice cream!" Arri exclaims excited.

The game continues with tons of horrendous drawings. "Lets face it, Max cannot get a podium off the track. Nevermind on." Arribella comments and everyone but Max bursts into laughter. "Neither can you Arri." Max says. "Atleast I can walk a catwalk. You can't do that either." Arribella comments. "Touché." Max simply responds.

Once the stream and recording turned off, the six stayed on chat. "When the next race Lan?" Steve asks the McLaren driver. "Uh, 2 weeks in Saudi Arabia." Lando responds, checking his F1 calendar. "Arri, you gonna be there?" Niran turns the question to the fashion brand owner. "Uh no. Me and some of the wags are going away on a girls trip." Arribella says, not looking up from her phone as she messaged Kika, Lily and Carmen as they planned their trip.

"We need a girls trip, Arri." Ria says. "Yes! I need to see you so bad, Ria." Bella looks up from her phone. "Spring sound good?" Ria asks. "Yeah. I'll look at places nice that we can go to." the blonde girl grins. The pair were the only two girls on the Esports team so it was undeniable that the pair were immediately going to get along. "I'm going to love you all, except Max, and leave you guys. I have some shopping to do then a wild Lando to steal." Arribella says before leaving the chat and logging off her computer.

Drinking her tea, Arri goes around and grabs her belongings before going out to get a few things that she requires before her trip in 2 weeks with some of the F1 wags. It was the first time the group were going on vacation together.


If I meet you
we can get the ice cream

I'm about to head into prada
Our favorite parlour on the

You know it

After getting what she needed, Arri heads to the icecream parlour where she was meeting Lando for her winnings from the video. "Hey buddie." Arri smiles, placing her bags down. "Hi. I got your favorite. Double chocolate scoop with vanilla and bubblegum sauce, topped off with rainbow sprinkles." Lando smiles, watching as his best friend sits down. "Thank you! That's a true friend. Ordering the others favorite ice cream without asking and double checking." Arribella grins, sitting down opposite Lando.

The duo talk about the next race weekend and Lano mentions how gutted he is that Arri will miss it. "Take Max. What harm can he cause?" Arri jokes and Lando laugh with a shrug as their ice creams arrive. "Not much if he's locked away as you might say. But I might as since I won't have my childhood best friend with me as she's ditching me for some of the wags." Lando says before eating some of his ice cream. "I'm sorry we haven't seen each other over the break." Arribella comments back.

The majority of the afternoon was Arribella and Lando talking before the lead McLaren driver offered to walk the girl back to her apartment as well as help with a few of her shopping bags. "How long are you going for? A month?" Lando jokes, placing the bags of clothes on the floor when he and Arri get into her apartment. "It's 10 days Lan. We'll be back for Australia." Arri smiles, walking into her kitchen.

"You're place is nice. Great view of both the dock and the city." Lando smiles, walking out onto the balcony. "Yeah. It's small and I have a guest room but it's a nice place to stay in." Arribella smiles. "You literally have the best view of the skylight at night. I have the moutains and the french border." Lando complains and the girl can't help but laugh at his childish complaining. "Your place is just as nice except for the view. You literally have a queen sized bed in the guest room. I only have a double in mine." Arri says, handing Lando a coffee she made using her coffee machine. "Fair. I might have to crash here one might to sleep since your place is closer to the track than mine is." Lando says. "As long as you bring any cups back that you take into the guest room. That room has to stay tidy at all times." Bella warns him. "I will. Don't worry. I'm responsibly clean." Lando grins.

After talking some more while drinking their tea and coffee, Arri bids Lando a goodbye as he left her apartment before going to her room, playing her music and sorting out some of her clothes ready for her vacation.

Pretty Green Eyes: L.NorrisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora