Chapter 31

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A few weeks passed after the season finale in Abu Dhabi. Lando and Arribella enjoyed a little couples getaway together after the season was over and were at his family home in Bristol to enjoy Christmas with him and his family. The early winter sun was slowly rising and both Arri and Lando were cuddled up in the warmth of his bed and each other as well as the warm house.

Most of the household were awake except for Lando and Arri. While she slowly wakes up, the blonde stretches while in his arms and smiles as she opens her eyes, looking at him. Carefully, Arribella leaves his arms and heads downstairs where Lando's family were awake. "Morning Arri." Adam smiles as he sips on his coffee. "Morning. How did you sleep?" the girl politely asks. "Very well. You?" the older man asks. "I slept good. Though Lando's snoring woke me up overnignt." Arribella laughs as she fills a glass with water. "He gets that from his father. Adam's just as bad." Cisca speaks up as she joins the pair. "I do not snore. I just breathe very heavily." Adam defends himself. "You do snore, dad. Even I've heard you during the night when I've went to the bathroom. Hey Arri." Flo says as she walk in with her empty plate before hugging the fashion owner tightly. "Hi." the girl chuckles as the young girl.

Flo reminds Arri alot of herself around her age. Young, crazy and free. "Why is everyone saying I snore?" Adam speaks up while Arribella and Flo continue to hug but stand side by side. "Clearly you sleep to deep to even notice." the younger Cisca laughs as she walk in and sits down at the dining table. "What? Are Oliver and Savannah going to walk in and agree too?" Adam questions. "We're just going to agree from the living room as your granddaughters are playing." Oliver calls as the group can hear Savannah laugh.

"Where's Lando, Arri?" the older Cisca asks. "Still asleep, the lazy boy." Arri grins as she can feel an uneasy feeling rise in her stomach. "Couldn't even get out of bed for school, never mind breakfast." Flo laughs. "True. Typical Lando." the younger Cisca laughs aswell.

The uneasy feeling still rises in Arribella's stomach. She excuses herself and heads up to the bathroom. She's surprised that her throwing up didn't wake Lando. Arri thinks about how long she's been feeling ill and her mind instantly goes back to that night in Vegas. "So much for what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. I can't be, can I?" Arribella thinks to herself. She checks to see if Lando is awake or asleep and of course, he's still sleeping.

"Flo, Cis. Can I talk to you?" Arri asks the two younger girls. The pair nod before following her. "What's up, Ri?" Cisca asks, concerned at the girls pale face. "I need to go to the closest supermarket and grab something but I don't want to do it alone. Can you two come with me and wait outside the bathroom when we're back?" Arribella asks the girls. "Of course. We're here to support you." Flo smiles, hugging the girl. "Thanks girl. Right, lets get out before Lando wakes up." Arri comments as she pulls from her hug with Flo.

The three girls head to the supermarket where the fashion owner gets a pregnancy test, her hands shaking while holding it in her hands. "Are you convinced?" Cisca asks as she looks at Arri as she holds the box of tests. "Yeah. I'm going to get it and take it when we get back. I have all the symptoms. Nausea, fatigue. And my stomach is definitely protruding a bit." Arribella says as she heads to the self-scan check out to pay for the box of pregnancy tests before the trio head back.

In the bathroom, Arri took the test before allowing the two young Norris girls to join her. "How are you feeling about this Arri?" Flo asks. "Nervous. I mean if this result is what my gut is telling me, it's life-changing for myself and Lando." the blonde girl says, taking a deep breath. "It's going to be okay. Youse will manage and work something out." Cisca smiles. "But what if Lando doesn't want children?" Arribella asks. "Arri, one thing Lando wants nothing more is than to be a dad. He always said, even when he was a child or teen, if he had children, he'd want them with you. He's always loved you. Don't worry, he'll be so excited." Flo smiles, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

The three minutes waiting time passed and Arribella couldn't bare to look at the result. "Can you two take a look for me? I don't think I can." Arri pleads to them. Flo and Cisca nod as the show jumper picks up the test and the duo look. Wide smiles cross their faces as Arri holds her hands pressed together against her mouth. "What does it say?" she asks as she notices the look on their pairs faces. "Look for yourself." Cisca says excitedly as she hands the test to Arri. Her hand flies over her mouth as she reads the 'positive' on the small screen.

"Oh my god. I'm pregnant." Arribella whispers. "We're going to be aunts!" Flo and Cisca jump in excitement. They both wrap their arms around Arri as she processes the news. "This is unreal. I'm going to be a mum." Arribella smiles as she accepts the news. "Lando's going to be so excited." Cisca grins. "He is. But keep it quiet from your parents, Oli and Sav. I want to tell Lando but I'll explain you two know." Arribella pleads and the two younger Norris girls agree. "Of course!" Flo nods.

The three leave the bathroom and Arribella hears a shouting coming from Lando's room. She walks in and smiles when she sees him gaming with Max Fewtrell. "No, Max! You fucking killed me mate!" Lando calls down the headset before laughing at Max's response. Carefully, Arribella walks over to him and pats his shoulder. "Can we talk? Away from the microphone." Arribella asks, looking at Lando's set up. The pregnancy test hiding in the pocket of her hoodie. "Sure. Mate, give me 5 minutes." Lando tells Max before taking his headphones off.

"What's going on baby?" Lando asks the girl. "Close you eyes, please." Arribella softly smiles. Cautiously, Lando closes his eyes and Arri takes his hands, sliding them into her pocket. "Feel around then when you take ahold of what's in there, take it out and look." Arribella instructs her boyfriend. After feeling around her pockets, Lando takes out the test and opens his eyes, looking at it. "Are we...?" he asks shocked. Arribella smiles and nods as Lando scoops her in his arms, lifting her off the ground.

The camera streams the moment and Max looks on from his end, confused not only by Lando quickly rushing off but by what's happening. "We're going to be parents to a little baby." Lando grins, passionately kissing Arri. "Yeah. And before you ask Flo and Cisca know. Why? Because I was apprehensive about taking the test alone so they supported me and found out." Arribella says as she cups Lando's face with her hands, gently placing her lips on his. "I don't mind. Me and you are having a baby, love." Lando grins.

Once his stream ended and the day progressed, Lando and Arribella got on like nothing huge happened as did Flo and Cisca. Adam, Oliver, Savannah and Cisca senior expecting nothing. The evening meal was filled with laughter as the group shared stories of the younger generation's childhood. While Lando, Adam, Cisca, Flo, Oliver and Savannah sat in the living room, Arribella helped the older Cisca clear up. "Thank you Arri. Would have taken twice as long if I did it alone." Cisca smiles.

"Of course! It's the least I could do considering you made another amazing meal." Arribella grins as she places the stack of plates away. "Awe, thanks sweetheart. It's nice too see you and Lando so loved up aswell. Reminds me of Adam and myself when we met and started dating." Cisca smiles at the young girl. "I bet. Honesty, I love Lan so much. I always have. He's the best thing to ever happen in my life." Arribella smiles as she look through the kitchen door and at her boyfriend in the living room. "He'll do everything to protect you, Arri. Cherish what you have because it only comes once in a lifetime." Cisca places a gently hand on the girls shoulder.

Late into the night, Arri had cuddled upto Lando on the sofa and had fallen asleep in his gentle embrace. Flo, the younger Cisca, Oliver and Savannah had already headed up to bed while Lando and Arribella stayed downstairs with Adam and Cisca senior. "Do you want to head up with her? I think she's flat out now." Adam says to Lando, nodding at Bella as she slept in the young boys arms. "Sure. We'll see you in the morning." Lando nods, taking his girlfriend into his arms before heading up to his room.

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