Chapter 10

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"Arri! Wanna come to Milan!" Kika calls, bursting into her best friend's room at 7 in the morning. Arribella pulls her duvet over her face just as the Portuguese girl dives onto her bed. "Kik, it's 7 in the morning. Why do you have so much energy?" Arribella groans, pulling her blanket down and looking at the girl. "Since Pierre messaged me with the idea. Plus, we get to outnumber him and make him watch rom coms." Kika grins. "If I didn't love you as much as I do, I would have pushed you off my bed." Arribella says. "I know you love me. Anyway, this doesn't answer my question. Do you want to come to Milan?" Kika asks her question again.

"Sure. Don't have a choice do I?" Arribella laughs as Kika playfully hits her arm. "Not really." Kila smiles as she leans down and hugs the girl. "Can you make me a chocolate milkshake? They way I like you making them." Arri asks. "Sure. You get ready. We're spending the last few hours by the pool." Kika grins before getting off the bed. Groaning, Arribella lays back in her bed before throwing her duvet off her and getting out of bed.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Carmen laughs as she sips on her coffee before eating her breakfast. "One of you two remind me why Kika is my best friend? She barged into my room at 7 on the dot." Arribella complains. "Because you two immediately clicked." Lily laughs. Arri rolls her eyes as Kika hands her a chocolate milkshake. "Thanks babe." Arri smiles as she takes a mouthful of the drink. Laughter filled the air as the four spoke before Arri played her spotify playlist causing them all to sing along to some of the catchy songs that played.

"Come on, lets relax by the pool before we have to go back to real life." Carmen grins as she heads out the back door to the pool and lays on a sun lounger. "I'm going to join Carmen. We only have a few hours left and I want to leave with a tan." Arribella smiles before disappearing outside to join Carmen.

"Thought no-one was gonna join me." Carmen laughs. "I wasn't going to let you be alone girl." Arribella laughs aswell. "Nice to know I'm loved." Carmen says with a small smile. "Of course you are. All three of us love you platonically. Probably not as much as your family and George. But we all love you too." Arri grins.

As soon as Kika and Lily were outside, the four enjoyed the rest of what they had left of their getaway before going back to pack their belongings and went outside to wait for their transport to pick them up. "Okay. So me and Arri are getting a flight to Milan while you two are heading to the UK?" Kika confirms once they were on their way to the airport. "Yeah. Alex and George are meeting us there after the weekend." Lily says.

The journey was short and the four bid each other goodbye before heading to their respective flights. "Honestly, I cannot wait to be home. Did you message that hottie you hooked up with?" Kika asks Arribella as they say in their seats. "Yeah. I'm gutted this holiday is coming to an end." Arribella smiles. "Atleast we get to spend more time together." Kika smiles, nudging the brit. "Yeah. And I get to bully Pierre." Arribella smirks. "We. And by bully, we mean rom coms and comedy movies." Kika laughs as the brunette brit nods her head in agreement.

The flight felt look it took a while but by late at night, the pair landed in Milan and immediately headed to the apartment as soon as they got their luggage. Arri had been a few times but didn't stay long, only every now and then on race weekends. The apartment was quiet considering that Pierre hadn't made it back from the recent race yet.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." Kika smiles, sliding her shoes off and heading upstairs with Arri not far behind her. "Hope this is okay for you." the portuguese girl smiles, opening the bedroom door. "It's fine." Arri smiles, placing her suitcase against the wall of the room. "Great. Pierre messaged me while you were sleeping on the plane. He said he'll be back Tuesday." Kika smiles, excited at the thought of her boyfriend coming home in a few days time. "Okay. That's about 2 days of chaos." Arribella laughs with a smirk.

Kika nods before she leaves the room and Arribella falls on the bed and lets out a long sigh. She told herself that she wouldn't look at Lando's instagram after the other day but she let the thought get the better of her and Arribella checked her instagram to be immediately greeted with a new post of Lando and the same girl. 'My love 💕' is what the caption read and Arri could feel the tears building up yet again.

Arri immediately swipes away Instagram and throws her phone on the bed. She lets out a fustrated sigh as tears brim in her eyes. Yes, her feelings for Lando are there and seeing him in another relationship just makes them hurt even more despite her trying to surpress them for a long time. Blinking the tears away, the young brit changes into her pajamas and takes her makeup off.

The girl leaves her room and heads to the living room where Kika is sat on the sofa with a blanket over her lap. Arribella sits beside her and lays her head on her best friend's shoulder. "What's up, babe?" Kika asks, placing her phone down. "I think you might know." Arri says, playing with her fingers. "Lando's instagram?" Kika asks and the brunette girl nods her head. "Aww, Bella. Don't worry about it. I know you can't surpress your feelings for him but don't let this bug you. The best you can do as his best friend is support him in this relationship." Kika smiles, gently playing with the brunette girls hair. "Your right, Kiki." Arribella sighs. "How about we watch some reality TV like we normally do when we're bored." the portuguese model suggests. "Good idea." the young british girl slightly smiles.

For the rest of the evening, the pair watch some reality TV on Netflix before deciding to call it a night and head up to their room. Arri checked her phone which was charging and saw a load of messages from Lando. She decided to ignore them and put her phone on silent for the rest of the night before falling asleep.

Pretty Green Eyes: L.Norrisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن