Chapter 14

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The morning after, Lando is gently shook awake. Rubbing his eyes, he spots his older brother, Oliver, and sister-in-law, Savannah. "Hey guys. What time is it?" Lando asks. "Half 8. We just came to say we'll sit with Arri while you go for breakfast with Mila." Savannah smiles as the little girl sat on her hip. "Are you guys sure?" Lando asks, standing up. "Yeah. Go, one of us will call you if she wakes up." Oliver nods.

The younger Norris sibling stands up and takes his niece into his arms before heading to the restaurant while Savannah and Oliver sit in Arribella's room. "He's loves her, doesn't he?" Savannah asks her husband. "Yeah. Even though he's dating someone else, his heart lies with Arri. It always has and it always will." Oliver says, turning to the younger brit who's laid in the hospital bed. Her arm in a cast with a few cuts on her face and bruises on her other arm. "Do you think he'll..." Savannah starts before Oliver nods. "Yeah. I feel that Lando will break up with the girl he's with because his heart lies with Arri." Oliver says.

A little while later, small groans escape Arri's mouth before her eyes open. "Hey, didn't expect you to be waking up soon. How you feeling?" Savannah asks. "Water..." Arribella simply says as Oliver reaches over and hands his wife a cup as she helps Arri to drink it. "How you doing? Any pain?" Oliver asks. "No. Where's Lando?" Arribella asks, confused about where she is. "He's at the restaurant. Do you know where you are?" Savannah asks. "Hospital?" Arri questions. "Yeah. I'll go call Lando." Oliver says before leaving the room.

"Arri, do you remember what happened?" Savannah asks. "I was on my way to the track and then there was a car accident on the main road. Next thing I know, I'm waking up here and you and Oliver are beside me." Arribella says. "Alright. It's good that you remember what happened. Oliver has gone to call Lando. He should be here soon." Savannah smiles slightly as Arri nods. "He's on his way back with Mila. I'll get the doctor when he's back." Oliver says. "Okay. I'm glad you guys are here." Arribella smiles. "Whether your family or not, Arri. We're going to be here for you." Oliver says. "Thanks." Arri smiles.

"Thank god you're awake." Lando says, retuned with Mila. "Hey, Lan. Nice to see you too." Arribella chuckles. "Auntwy Arri." Mila smiles. "Hi baby girl." the fashion designer smiles. "We'll go get the doctor." Oliver says, taking Mila from Lando's arms as they head to find Arribella's doctor. "How are you doing?" Lando asks, sitting besides her. "I'm alive, so that's a plus." Arri shrugs with a soft laugh. "I'm glad your okay. Also, I'm sorry." Lando says. "What for?" Arribella asks. "For not telling you about my relationship. I was going to but I kept getting distracted." Lando says, looking down.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm happy for you." Arribella says. "Yeah, about that. We've broke up. She was stopping me from spending time with you and wasn't allowing me to message you when she was around." Lando scratches the back of his neck. "Oh wow. When?" Arri asks. "This morning while I was having breakfast." Lando shrugs. "Why? I mean why did you break up with her?" Arribella asks, shocked. "Because I realized who I truly need beside me. I need my best friend." Lando says just as the doctor arrives. "I love the heart to heart but it's good to see you awake Arribella." the doctor says with a small smiles. "I kinda wish I was still asleep. Didn't want to see his ugly face or our friends when he turns up." Arri laughs nodding towards Lando. "Well, we can confirm her humor is still in tact." Oliver says.

"Well you did sustain a broken arm, a concussion, a punctured lung and a couple of cuts and bruises. We're keeping you in for a few more nights then you're free to go." the doctor says. "Alright. Thanks doc." Arribella nods gratefully. "No problem. I'll be back in a bit to see how your feeling. A nurse will be in soon to adjust your meds." the doctor says before leaving. "I'll phone mum, dad, Flo and Cisca. Let them know you're awake and how your doing." Oliver says before walking out. "Awibewa, Awibewa." Mila says, reaching over. "Come here baby." Arribella says.

Savannah places Mila on Arribella's bed and the young girl scurries her way over. The little girl lays in Arribella's open arms and cuddles into her chest. The fashion designer and brand owner gently runs her hand over her niece's hair. "She really loves you." Savannah smiles, looking at her daughter in Arri's arms. "She does. I'm proud she's my niece and goddaughter." Arribella smiles, Mila quiet in her arms. "Athena will be coming with our parents and sisters. They'll be here soon." Oliver says walking back in. "I'll let the Pierre and Kika know how your doing. They were here yesterday and Kika was shaking, worried about you." Lando says.

Arri nods as Lando heads out. "Well, atleast we know who we can rely on to babysit." Oliver laughs. "Anyone but Lando and Max Fewtrell." Arribella jokes. "Lan is still a child and Max, well he's also a child." Savannah jokes as Flo, Cisca, Adam and Cisca jr all walk in. Flo with Athena's pram is her hands. "Arri, it's so good to see you awake." the older Cisca smiles, walking over to Arribella's bed and gently hugging her. "Thanks. I'm just happy I'm alive and can continue to bully Fewtrell." Aribella laughs. "Nice to see you still have your humor, Arribella." Adam says. "Well, some car accident isn't taking that." the girl shrugs with a smile.

Once Lando returned, light hearted chatter and laughter filled Arribella's room. Mila and Athena both fell asleep against the girl which she didn't mind. Slowly, Lando's family left and it was just him and Arri. "Come here, I don't want you sleeping on that uncomfortable chair." Arri says, shuffling over and patting beside her. Lando smiles before laying beside her. "When are you hoping to be out?" Lando asks. "In time to be at the next race." Arribella says, laying her head on Lando's shoulder. He lifts his arm up and she cuddles into his chest, her resting against him.

"I'm so happy your okay. I was beginning to get worried when you were late to the track." Lando says but he doesn't her a response. He looks at Arribella and sees her asleep against him. The McLaren driver laughs softly before pulling the blanket up and slowly falling asleep himself.

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