15 - Remnants of Past Memories.

Start from the beginning

Throughout the entire process, Michael had remained a stalwart presence at my side. The incident left me feeling a little sheepish and overly self-conscious about having caused such a fuss.

"I apologize for being a burden," I whispered apologetically.

He swiftly rebuffed my apologies. "You were never, are never, and will never be a burden. I'm just glad you're okay," Michael responded reassuringly.

In response, I flashed him a grateful smile.

Tenderness mirrored in his eyes as he reached out to gently take my hand into his. His voice was soft when he spoke. "I honestly don't know how I would have coped if something bad had happened to you. You're important to me. You know that, right?"

"Frankie!" Sawyer stormed into the room with Hector following closely behind him. The worry was evident on their faces. "Are you okay? What in the world happened?"

A bit flustered, I hastily reassured them. "I'm okay. I just had a ridiculous fainting spell. Take me home." With Sawyer's help, I began to sit upright.

Immediately, both Hector and Sawyer turned hostile eyes towards Michael.

"And who might you be?" Hector asked, his voice venomous.

Just as I was about to speak on Michael's behalf, he confidently stepped forward. "Michael Radley," he smoothly introduced himself, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips as he extended his hand out for a handshake.

Hesitation flashed in Hector's eyes, but eventually, he shook Michael's hand. "Hector Pierce. A pleasure," he replied with cold courtesy.

Sawyer began to help me put on my shoes while Hector supported my weak attempts to stand. A protective arm around me, he draped my coat of my shoulders.

"I can walk, you know," I retorted curtly, trying to distance myself, but Hector held me close.

I turned to Michael with a smile, "Thank you, Michael. You've been wonderful through all of this."

His response was warm and humble. "You don't have to thank me, Frankie. The important thing is that you're okay. That's all that truly matters."


In line with my doctor's recommendations, I had taken a break for the day. Cozy in my bedroom, I was deeply engrossed in going through Uncle Ben's case file.

The doctor not only emphasized the importance of taking a day for myself, but also urged me to establish healthier habits, such as making sure I had regular meals and immediately quit my nicotine addiction. It was a recommendation that I cynically smirked at.

Sawyer sauntered in unannounced, carrying an overwhelming tray loaded with various food items.

"Sawyer, I already told you. I'm not hungry!" I protested weakly, yet I couldn't seem to conceal my rising irritation.

Paying no mind to my childish complaint, Sawyer forcefully presented a warm bowl of chicken soup, along with a spoon, placing himself on the edge of my bed with an intimidatingly stern look on his face.

"You're going to eat this, or else I'm gonna shove it down your throat!" His threat hung heavy in the room.

Stunned, I gaped at him in sheer surprise. His bluntness had caught me off guard. He had never dared to talk to me that way before.

"Don't give me that look! I don't care if you're my boss!" he growled.

"What's gotten into you?" I spluttered out, taken aback.

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