1. Vacation Time!...Or Not

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Ash Ketchum, a 19 year old trainer, runner-up in the Kalos League, was home in Pallet Town, thinking. He hasn't been himself since he got back. Usually he'd be ecstatic to be home and jump into region after region, but he hasn't even left his room. He would always sit in his bed, doing nothing but over-think, and even if he did leave, it was because he was hungry. But he only ate cheese. He wouldn't visit his Pokémon at the ranch, wouldn't battle, wouldn't even come down to say hi to Brock, Misty, Professor Oak, or even Gary.

His mother was especially worried. But she had an idea that will hopefully help her son get back to cheerful boy he once was.

"Satoshi! Come down, I have a surprise."

"What's up, Mom?" he asked, uninterested. He looked terrible.

"Look what I won." She showed 2 tickets to a place called Alola.

"Wow, awesome. When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, so pack your things!" Once she left, Ash was contemplating on this idea.

'A vacation? Maybe it might be good for me, who knows?' After careful consideration, he finally decided that a vacation would be the best thing for him.

"Come on, Pikachu. Let's pack."


Alola was beautiful. Filled with inhabitants having fun with their loved ones. Ash breathed in the salty, crisp aroma in Melemele, but he couldn't enjoy it as much as he felt something watch him. It unnerved him, but he shoved the feeling down. He wasn't going to let some stalker ruin his vacation he so righteously deserves. No, not him. Now that I wrote that out loud, it sounded really creepy.

They finally docked but before they left, his mom needed to tell Ash something.

"Satoshi, I'm going to check us in to our hotel, so you and Pikachu can explore the island. But you must meet me in the plaza at five O'Clock, okay?"


"Good, now have fun you two!" Where to go, where to go? Normal people would go jet skiing, or eat at a restaurant. But Ash was far from normal. And what do un-normal people do? Go to the store and get a year's worth of cheese and cheese products. Which he did, in a heartbeat. Just as he was checking out and eating a whole block of cheese, a strange man came up to him.

"Excuse me, but are you Ash Ketchum?" he asked.

He nodded to show an affirmative as his mouth was full of cheese.

"I need you, come with me," he grabbed his wrist and Ash was running a little awkwardly.

"What do need me for, exactly?"

"Well...the thing is, I promised the school I work for that I would hire a new TA to help my class. Their academics are through the roof, but they lack in practical Pokémon training. But I didnt really have the time to scout a new one," he said explaining the whole situation.

Ash halted so fast, you could hear the screech. "Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight; you were too lazy to hire a new TA-"

"I wouldn't say lazy," he muttered.

"That you would go as far as hiring a random stranger off the streets-or in my case, off the store, without conducting any kind of interview," he recapped perplexed.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Now let's go."

"Wait! What about my stuff?"

"Leave it at my house. But we have to go quickly because my next class starts in 15 minutes."


They ran like the wind to get to school. With 5 minutes to spare.

"Welcome to Alola High schoo- D-did you finish that entire block of cheese?!" he turned absolutely shocked..and a littled wowed.

"Do you want a TA or not?!" he threatened a little too defensively and red. He might love cheese but he doesn't like people questioning his love for cheese.

"Jeez, okay chill. But come on, class starts soon."

They hiked up the stairs where the teacher led them to his classroom.

"Okay, everyone. Remember that new TA that I was telling you guys about. Well, this is Ash. He will be with us for the rest of the year."

Ash was freaking out right now! He was only staying for a few days, not for the rest of the year!

"Just a reminder, I'm only staying for a week!" he whispered to the man.

"Just go with it for now," he whispered back.

"So Ash, tell the class a lil' about yourself." Oh boy, he was not good at public speaking.

"Umm.. Hi I'm Satoshi, or Ash. This is Pikachu. I'm Kantonian and...yeah. That's me."

"Okay, anyone have any questions to ask Ash before we begin?" asked the unnamed man.

A girl with green hair raised her hand.

"Yes, Mallow?"

"This is a two parter: 1, are you a trainer? 2, if so, for how long?"

"Yes, for 9+ years." Over 9 years?! They haven't even started!

A blue haired girl raised her hand next.


"This is also a two parter: 1, can I hold your Pikachu, it is absolutely adorable. And 2, are you single? I wanna kiss you on those lips so bad--"

"Ho-okay! That's enough questions," interjected the teacher before she could finish because she was making Ash feel targeted and scared and made the entire room uncomfortable.

"Now let's begin-"

"Yeah, I have a question of my own. Who are they?" asked Ash. He pointed to a trio of people with dark clothing and a skull bandana on each of them.

They went to the field to meet these "guests".

"Hi, um, can we help you?" asked Ash. Everyone else seemed to know who they were.

"We're Team Skull! The baddest team in the world," said a scrawny boy with blue  hair.

Ash visibly tried not to laugh. But he couldn't hold it in.

"Hahaha! Sorry," he apologized as he cleared his throat.

"You think that's funny?" he said. He got close to Ash, trying to look intimidating. He wasn't.

"Yes, I do. There are way worse teams than you guys."

"Oh really,  let's see if your bark is as bid as your bite and battle us."

3 against 1, that's not fair, but he's been in worse situations.

"Come out, Golbat! Let's show 'im who's boss."

"Ekans!" The girl with pink hair had an Ekans that looked fairly new, and the other guy had a Yungoos. This was going to be too easy.

"Pikachu, roast these guys," he said way too calmly for anyone fighting a bunch of gangsters.

"Pika CHUUUUUU!!!!!!!"

Hi everyone. So I am reposting this book with a few changes since I was being a stupido and deleting the ENTIRE story instead of just unpublishing it. So yea. But I hope u guys like this remake.

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