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"Tell me about the four major crews."

You were sitting oppositely to both Vasco and Jace in a restaurant. Vasco was shoving french fries to his mouth that was so full, his cheeks began to be swollen.

"Why do you want to know, F/N?" Jace asked as he took a sip of his cold soda, it was uncommon especially from you who's visualized as the saintly vice president of the Fashion department. "It's best if you avoid getting involved to this types of matter."

"I understand your concern Jace. But I need to know." You said and let out a heavy sigh. The taste of the juicy burger activated your taste buds as you took a bite, savouring the flavor that gave you comfort.

Vasco noticed how serious you looked while chewing the burger in your hands. He reached out to grabbed some fries from Jace's tray since he already ate his.

"Tell her Jace. She has her own reasons." Vasco told Jace and gave you his signature smile you often see displayed on his face.

Jace nodded and used his food for reference; a burger, tray of fries, soda, and mozzarella sticks.

"These big four crews are located in different regions. From the Han River, they are divided into North, South, East and West." Jace positioned the objects on the table. The burger representing North, fries for South, soda for East and lastly mozzarella sticks for West.

"It's said that someone was behind the four crews' creation, although that's only a rumor. Another rumor is that each crew has an illegal operation."

"West river's Big Deal," Jace pointed at the burger as he spoke. "it appears its main business is an illegal betting ring. I'm sure you're aware that Jake Kim is the leader and is now locked up at a juvenile detention center." Jace remembered how you tagged along with him and Vasco during that rainy night where Vasco had fought with Jake, then things began to escalate after.

Then Jace's finger proceeded to point on the next object, the fries. "North river's God Dog, it's name has been changed. One day, someone replaced the head and changed its name."

"East river's Hostel. They are in the middle of major make-over, you can think of them as the worst of the worst criminals."

Once Jace was done explaining the Hostel, from the soda, his finger went to the last one. "South river's Workers, also known as tremendous. People say they are beyond teenage level. You can look at them more as an enterprise than a crew."

You nodded your head, processing the information Jace gave to you. It was enough for you to understand the basics of the four major crews.

"Thanks for the info Jace." You somehow held a gloomy look which bothered both men who were in the same table as you.

They looked at each other for a second before their eyes returned back to your upset look.

"Something else bothering you F/N? You can tell us." Vasco questioned in a subtle voice trying to be not so intimidating as how people thought he was.

"I...want to be strong."

You mumbled under your breath as you finished your plate. Hands that belonged to you were resting on your lap while looking down gazing on the floor.

"You're already strong F/N! Don't belittle yourself!" Vasco lightened the dark cloud that was blinding your happiness with his bright smile almost making you blind by how shiny it was.

"That's not the point Vasco. I can feel that there will be a major danger in the future. Knowing I am involved with it somehow, I can't help but to think how can I protect my love ones if I don't get stronger." You responded with a low voice. You fidgeted with your fingers showing nervousness.

愛 | 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐄 ✦ 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐌Where stories live. Discover now