"Bring the cars. Take whatever things are necessary along with you. Call mom." He says so many things while litrally screaming in the whole palace as his feet take me towards the car.

The driver was already standing near the car when he said,

"Side hato, main chalaunga, meri biwi dard mein hai."
(Get a side, my wife is in pain, I will drive.)

Author's pov

(I am not a medical student, all the information regarding the labor and after procesures is taken from google. I do not promote wrong information and if anything is wrong then please forgive me and remember this is just fiction.)

Amrit was feeling a whirlwind of emotions while driving.

Firstly, there was a sense of excitement and anticipation as he knows that they were about to meet their little Bittu for the first time.

They had been waiting for this moment for months, and it's finally happening!

Alongside the excitement, there was also a mix of nervousness and anxiety.

All of his thoughts were just worried about the well-being of his Heer and the baby.

He had read so many books regarding this but now that it's happening in reality, he was numb.

He knows. He knows he has to calm himself down while she is screaming with pain.

He knows he has to support her.

His thoughts were full of concerns about the labor process, the pain his Heer might experience, and the overall health of both mother and child.

It was a life-changing moment and he was anxious.

Anything can happen.

It was a delicate line between happiness and-
-and we we won't go there.

In addition to these emotions, there was a strong sense of responsibility that comes with being a supportive partner.

Amrit wants to be there for his wife. He is there on every step of the way, offering comfort, encouragement, and reassurance.

He helped with all the practical tasks like packing a hospital bag, yes he did that way before at the start of the 7th month itself.

He ensured a smooth journey to the hospital.

During the journey, there was a mix of emotions.

Amrit was feeling a strong sense of protectiveness, wanting to keep his wife safe and comfortable.

He also felt a deep sense of love and admiration for his wife as he witnessed her strength and resilience throughout the pregnancy and now during the labor process.

They reached the hospital and he took her instantly to the room.

The hospital was owned by him ofcourse.

"Aaah- Amrittttt" she screams.

He caressed her forehead and was holding her hand.

The doctors came running in the room.

"Check the baby's position." The doctor ordered the nurses while he attached some machines.

He monitored the baby's heartbeat to insure a safe delivery.

Her cervix begins to dilate increasing more of the contractions.

"Aaaaaaahhhh" she screams.

"Doctor do your thing and take my wife out of pain!!" Amrit screams with her.

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