XCII - Words Of Honour

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"There are plenty of things I still wish I could say to you guys. To you, and Sam and plenty of other people, and I wish could say these things while you were actively listening and could respond but that is far in the past now. I can't- I can't fucking say what I want to say because I'll expect an answer back and it'll break me more when I don't get one." I say, my throat feeling as though it was going to make my voice crack. "A month felt like a long time when you guys were with us. Now, thinking back on it, it wasn't nearly enough time."

"Y/N?" Levi's voice rung out from across the graveyard, my hands quickly wiping away the last of the tears on my face. I look down at the graves once more, sighing softly to myself before mustering up a small smile.

"We'll finish the job, count on it." And I turn away, watching Levi pace between graves toward me. I force a tight-lipped smile as his eyebrows pinched together, sapphire eyes wary as he looked me over.

"Hey." He voiced softly, eyes filled with worry. "You okay?" He stepped toward me, tucking two of his fingers under my chin and lifting it so he could see my face. His free hand rested on my upper arm, eyes scanning my face as he gently used his thumb to swipe away a stray tear before his hand rested just below my jaw. I nod, bringing the final flower up between us, watching as his head tipped down a little so he could look at it.

"This one's for you." I say, voice small. "Just some type of connection between you and them. Thought you'd like it in your office back home." He didn't say anything as he admired the crystal flower, releasing my arm from his grasp and pinching the stem between his fingers. I lower my hand as he raised it to his eyes, a look of wonder and, was that adoration? He let a small exhale out his nose as his eyes darted from the flower to me, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to my forehead for two long seconds before he pulled away, and the gesture was nearly enough to make me melt to the ground.

"Thank you." He murmured, nodding back towards where he came from. "Everything's sorted for Eren's training, we can go home now." His voice was mellow, a tone he very rarely used and every time he used it, every small gesture, every reassuring word, everything he does, I fall for him a little more.

Wait... What? I couldn't possibly-

"Come on." His voice broke through me and I was thankful for it, because now my mind was going berserk. Levi's hand dropped my jaw, fingertips tracing lightly down the side of my arm and his pinky soon linked with mine. I don't know what it was about it, but this small action made my heart throb with pure bliss. The crystal rose remained in between his index and thumb, touch delicate as he handled it with care. I trailed behind him, his pinky tightly looped around mine guiding me to both of our horses he had tied to the gate.

His hand left mine and the warmth was quick to follow, my hand already feeling unbearably cold as he approached his own mount. Sin whinnied lightly, eyes watching me intently as he awaited my proceed toward him. I couldn't help but smile, all the tears that had left my eyes and the negative emotions that spiralled through my mind staying in the graveyard. I reached for him, palm out and he wasted no time in pushing his nose against it, his soft breaths hitting the heels of my hand with warm, quick puffs.

"Hey, Pretty Boy." I whisper, stepping a little closer to him. He lowered his head, chin pulled a little further in toward his chest. I let out a slow breath as I leaned forward, resting a palm on his jaw before pressing my forehead to his. I closed my eyes, hand slowly stroking up and down his soft fur on the side of his face, matching my breathing with his. I stayed like that for a couple of moments before opening my eyes and seeing the horses eyes were watching me carefully. I pulled away with a hum and a smile, his head soon raising a little before I walk around his side.

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