Chapter 21 (Part 1/2)

Start from the beginning

How can someone live like this?

"I'll take you to prison."

As soon as Babe finished speaking, the old man burst into laughter. White smoke came out of his mouth and nose so much that he knew this guy was actually laughing, which made Babe even angrier. Even though he didn't show anything on the outside, in his heart, Babe yearned to lift his paw to greet that wrinkled face.

"Dragging me to prison?" Tony asked again, still laughing out loud. "On what charges, son?"

"Premeditated murder?"

"Who do you mean?"

"How many people did you kill?"

"A lot, that's why I asked who?" The old man in the suit laughed with a look that didn't seem at all sorry for his dirty deed. Meanwhile, Babe clenched his jaw in anger and disgust. How bad does a person have to be to be able to sit and laugh at another person's death with a deadpan expression of, "Say his name, I'll try to remember it."

"Charlie," Babe answered quietly, looking at the killer's face. "Did this name cross your mind?"

"Oh. I can remember," Tony pretended to remember very fakely. "My lovely kid."


"My talented child. How could I forget?"

One hand in his lap was clenched tightly. Babe tried to control his anger. Usually, he didn't do it well, but since now wasn't the time for him to throw a tantrum, he had to keep trying to tell himself that. When it's time, he will rage as much as he likes.

"Favorite?" Babe said in a flirtatious voice. "So why did you have to kill him?"

"Huh? What did you say?" Tony slowly let the smoke out of his mouth, raising his eyebrows at him. "How could I do that to my own child?"

"You've done worse things before!"

"But definitely not to my child." The old man wore an innocent face, as if he didn't know what happened at all. In fact, they all know it. "If I kill Charlie, what will I get? If you're smart enough, you'll know that I never wanted Charlie to die."

"But you want him to be disabled to take him home."

"Disabled means not dead. What's wrong with that?" Tony asked, tilting his head before lifting the cigar to his lips and inhaling the smoke, filling his lungs with it, and slowly letting it out without seeming at all distressed by what he'd done. "I'm sorry too because It ended like this. Think about how much money it would have cost to raise him to this size? Plus, that kid is pursuing a higher education than anyone else. Do you know how much college costs every year?"


"When he was old enough to be able to use them, he started to have strong wings and legs. If you think he's good at that, I wouldn't dare do anything."


"If I lose it, I lose a lot. But, I'm thinking positively and I think Charlie should know what the consequences of being a bad boy are."

What? think positively?

By killing one person?

"I know he wants to be free," Tony said before laughing again, as if satisfied with his own dirty joke, "So, is this freedom enough?"

Jokes about his girlfriend being killed like an animal.

"No one can keep up with him anymore. Or do you want to follow it? Because I don't want to follow you anymore!"


The words that came out of that damned bastard's mouth were finished in less than a second as the long leg covering the table suddenly swung down and kicked it so hard that the table tipped over onto the drooling old man. But unfortunately, the guard dog was faster as usual. Kenta shifted himself to the side and prevented Tony from hitting the heavy wooden table which could have broken his knee.

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