The financial situation was so horrible and I couldn't bare seeing Serena do what she did so I used that as my opportunity to repay all she did for me. I couldn't make her proud academically just the way Janelle did so I had to look for other alternatives and Claudia was the key to my opportunity. I had a conversation with Claudia, and after that, I chose a life changing decision" he paused and stared at me with an emotionless eyes.

"W..what's that?" I managed to ask.

"She belonged to a mafia, I mean, she was the mafia" he paused again, his eyes searching my eyes for a reaction but I didn't show any, I was so interested in what he had to say.

"Are we just going to stare or would you continue your story?" I raised a brow and for a moment I saw amusement flash in his eyes.

"Through Claudia, I met the Dela-lucchese brothers. Slowly, I became a monster who took lives without remorse, i tortured humans without mercy Luna. I didn't want my sisters finding out what I did so I tried my absolute best to make good grades in my remaining years of college.

I was still with Hilda but we had gotten to that stage of the relationship where no one felt the lack of attention anymore, but it bothered me a little because I still loved her and we had been together for long.

I didn't bother telling her about my lifestyle because I was afraid she'd leave and also, I thought it was going to be a temporary lifestyle, but it came a part of me. Little did I know that my 'girlfriend' knew about it" I was confused as I tried connecting the dot.


"Let's just say that I was a pawn in her game for a good number of years. She pretended that she was from a poor family.

While trying to feed mine i also always considered her too, she took advantage of my love for her. She wasn't just taking my hard earned money, she spent it on the 'man she loved.' Her dad belonged to the crime world too so he used her to get to me when he found out who I worked for.

Luckily, I figured out her game on time, but the Marchesis had lost so much already, and Janelle was abducted because of her family. I would have forgiven her if her game ended with me but she had to involve my family. Not just that, she went as far as making decisions that should have involved my say"

He took another pause and this time I saw pain in his eyes.

"What's that?"

"She killed our child" if I haven't been shocked throughout the story, then I was now.

" had a child?" He nodded and looked away.

"How old were you two?"

"Seventeen" he confessed.

"How.. what... please explain"

"After our high school graduation, she went on a vacation, I didn't know the real reason she left was because she wanted to hide my child from me because she felt that I was incapable of taking care of him financially.

In all honesty, I understood her reason, but we could have communicated about that and draw to a more sensible decision, instead she left him in whatever country she went to. It hurt because whenever I think of what the innocent boy had to pass through because of her negligence and selfishness, I can't help but feel..... I watched the tear roll down his eyes and it made me cry too.

"Russo" I called and went to embrace him. He held me like his life depended on it and if he should leave me I'd disappear.

"Don't ever do that Luna, promise me that whenever we have a disagreement, you'd never make a rash decision? Promise me that whenever you feel your feelings fading away you'd never cheat.... I shut him up with a kiss, taking him off guard. He didn't get a chance to respond to the kiss, I pulled away and cupped his cheeks.

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