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"Hello little one" his fatherly and brotherly voice I had missed so much calmed my heart

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"Hello little one" his fatherly and brotherly voice I had missed so much calmed my heart. Without wasting a second i latched my arms around his waist.

As i embraced myself into his warm and heartfelt hug, time seemed to stand still. The world around me faded away, leaving just the two of us in that beautiful moment of connection.

Our arms wrapped around each other, creating a sense of comfort and closeness. It's a silent language of love and support, conveying emotions that words can't fully express. In that embrace, i found solace and peace.

I pulled away and he wiped my tears. "How have you been?" He questioned in a low tone and I took the opportunity to analyze his features. His mustache was trimmed perfectly and the little beards that grew underneath his chin was in a clean state too. His eyes appeared tired and I could tell he has been hard on himself while on his job. I inspected his body thoroughly for any sign of injury and luckily I found none.

Although Raphael has been on a dangerous job line for quite a while now i still can't help but always get worried about his safety and whereabouts. He's never been away from home for so long so this last month felt like I had lost him. He wasn't taking my calls neither did he return them which only heightened my worries. The last time I spoke to him was when he left a message which asked me to be safe.

"I should be the one asking you that Raphael" I spoke amidst my sobs which made him laugh.

"I'm fine Luna but a little exhausted. C'mon let's go in, I'm pretty sure you must be tired and hungry" he held my wrist and walked us through the crowd.

He led us through the dimly lit and hushed hallway. The silence was almost tangible, broken only by the faint echoes of our footsteps. Our shadows stretched and twisted along the walls, creating an ambiance of mystery and intrigue. Each step forward felt like tiptoeing into a secret realm, where secrets and hidden wonders awaited. The darkness wrapped around us like a cloak. We reached a big black door and we paused for him to open it.

While he fished for something in his pocket, Carina and I stood like statues behind him. I twisted my head so I could look at her and see the emotion on her face but she had nothing written in her eyes. Her arms were crossed accompanied with a blank look on her face while she kept her gaze locked on the door. The strong scent of oud and cologne filled my nostrils the moment he opened the door.

As I walked into the frigid office, a wave of coldness washed over me. I could feel the chill in the air, which made my skin tingle. The room was devoid of warmth and i instinctively wrapped my arms around myself for comfort. I could almost see my breath as i navigated through the icy atmosphere.

Darkness enveloped the space, adding an air of secrecy and anticipation.

"I'm sure you two must be hungry" he broke the silence. He sat on one of the plush and comfortable looking sofa while Carina and I sat on the longer one which was opposite his.

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