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For anyone who saw my recent posts that have been deleted by now I apologise. I was in a very dark place momentarily and that went onto online. I tried to get rid of that feeling and I thought writing about it was the answer but turns out that did not happen. I appreciate all the people who reached out to me and even though it was just a few thoughtful messages it really saved me. I hope people remember that though Christmas is supposed to be a magical time of the year for people many of us struggle. I want to thank again the people who messaged me on here aswell as viv and Beth who I have recently got into contact with through a family member. They have really helped me lately and I know there's a lot of fans of them on here. They really are great people. (And myle is the actual cutest.) thanks again and apologies for those who did see my spiral momentarily.

Meadema PovsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora