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Beth's POV
At England camp 2 days before England v Netherlands

"I don't know how she's so talented though."
"I know right she's like a proper beast."
"Why don't we ask the Arsenal girls if she does any extra training or shit?"
"We don't want to seem like massive fan girls though do we."  Georgia and Keira keep having this conversation as they walk into team bonding confusing everyone in there.
"Who you lot crushing over like that then?" Leah jokes.
"We're not crushing over anyone." Keira says defensively. We all know why she's defensive though. Her girlfriend is sitting right next to us.
"You sure you're both blushing." I carry on with the joke.
"So it's either that or your fangirling hard." Lucy says. When the girls don't reply we take it as the second option. But before we can speak Georgia speaks up.
"We're on about Vivianne Miedema. We're playing her on Thursday and she is so good." I smile at the mention of her name. Viv is my girlfriend. Not to anyone else's knowledge.
"Does anyone know how she's so good?" Keira asks.
"She trains hard." Leah replies.
"She leaves everything on the pitch." Lotte says.
"She studies every opposition. She knows everyone's strength and weakness." I add on. The duo just look at us taking mental notes.
"Besides she's not that good." I joke and I see Georgia's and Keira's mouth agape.
"What do you mean?!"
"She's the best in the world?!" I just laugh.
"I'm heading to get a coffee anyone want one?" I ask getting up. They all shake their head. I go to our in hotel Costa. I say my order and go and take a seat waiting patiently. That's when my favourite person in the world starts messaging me.


Hey how's camp?
Good. Some girls in my team are diehard viv miedema fans though.
No surprise there
I miss you you know
I miss you too but I'll see you Thursday
Ok Ik hou van jou
I love you too.


Sorry just wanted to get something out. Part 2 will be soon. But you know writers block is a disease.

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