Panic Attack

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This story is going to go be completely inaccurate!
Beths POV

Beth sat in her hotel room. Nerves swarmed her body. She couldn't breathe. Her roommate wasn't in and she didn't know what to do. She knew she had to get out of the hotel room so she went outside. Eyes flooding. Breath racing. She left the room and immediately saw people. Millie. Rachel. Leah. Lotte. Lucy. She felt trapped.
"Beth." Leah said causing the rest of the girls to turn around to see the state beth was in. Beth started breathing heavier and started to run. She managed to get into some hallway cupboard and lock the door. No one was allowed to see her this way. Well apart from one person. But she didn't have her phone. No way she could ask one of them for her phone. Beth was panting at this point. She swore she was gonna pass out.
"BETH OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Leah shouted. This just caused beth to freak out even more. The next thing she knew there were people by her side.
Lucy fucking bronze thought it would be a good idea to break the door down.
"I'll call viv." Lotte says.
"Whose viv?" Rachel asks.
"Don't worry about it." Leah said as she stayed by my side trying to calm me down which was not working whatsoever.

Vivs POV

It's team bonding right now and it's my turn for truth or dare when my phone rings. I see it's Lotte and that confuses me a lot. Why would she be calling me?
"One sec." I say as I walk outside and answer the call. The first thing I hear is loads of shouting and then Lotte saying
"Viv it's Beth!" This immediately causes me to worry.
"What the fuck happened?" I say well I shout.
"We don't know. We just saw her coming out of her hotel room crying then she locked herself in a cupboard Lucy broke the door open and I think she's having some sort of panic attack. People are trying to calm her down but it's not working." Lotte says worriedly. I realise now that players on my team are all outside the room trying to see what's going on. Me and Beth haven't disclosed our relationship yet.
"Fuck. Ok listen to me carefully, let Beth into HER hotel room. Everyone leave and let me talk to her. Give her the phone ok?" I say and Lotte says yes. I then hear running and people with worried voices then I hear a door shut and sniffling on the other side. I notice people on my side staring so I lock myself into my hotel room.
"Hey baby." I say as I can hear Beth's whimpers. "Listen to me lievard, I need you to breathe in and out okay. Look let's do it together. In..... and out..... in....... And out......."
"Viv?" I hear a muffled voice cry out.
"Hey I'm here." I say and I can hear her start to calm down.
"I-i love you." Beth says.
"I love you too baby. What happened?" I ask her.
"I was scared and I-I missed you and I-it just escalated. I'm sorry." She says.
"Bethany Mead you never need to apologise for talking to me when you need help." I say and I hear Beth sigh.
"Thank you."
"What do you mean?"
"Thank you for being the best girlfriend a girl could ever ask for."
"I love you Beth Mead."
"I love you Vivianne Miedema."

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