You couldnt pull her.

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Beth's POV

Today I am going to the pool with my family. Not a large group of us but it is me, my brother Ben, my cousin Sam and my other cousin Delilah. Sam is 25 and Delilah is 24 the same as Ben. I was also meeting my girlfriend there as my cousins have never met her before.

I had just finished changing and go out to the changing room to see Sam standing there drooling over some girl. I look over and see viv I stifle out a little laugh. I then see Sam walk over to viv I decided on watching but I'd be ready to step in if viv got uncomfortable. I see Sam talking to her and then I see viv starting to get uncomfortable. Then Sam starts getting closer to her as viv tries to walk away or look for someone. She's cornered in the pool so i know I need to step in.
"Sam what the fuck do you think your doing?" I say irritated. I look over at viv and can see she still looks uncomfortable but happy I'm here.
"Don't worry about it cuz."
"No I will worry about it. Were you just touching her up?" I start " I could see how uncomfortable she looked from 5 miles away and your telling me she was fine." I was getting visibly angry at this point as I stand in the water pushing viv behind me and Sam infront of me.
"Fine. I was I kept asking her out and she kept declining me. What else was I meant to do?"
"You were meant to leave her alone. Maybe she had a girlfriend?" I say hinting at the fact of her being my girlfriend but not saying it directly.
"Nah a girl as good looking as her would not be gay." This statement caused me to be very angry.
"Well guess what. She is gay and she's my fucking girlfriend." Saying this I grab vivs hands.
"Not a chance you couldn't pull her." Sam says to me.
"Oh really?" Saying this I turn to viv and kiss her. She's my girlfriend of course we have kissed before but this time it feels more meaningful like we're proving all the haters wrong. We pull away and I pull viv up to my body. I hold her hand tight and just stare at Sam whose jaw is on the floor by now. That's my girlfriend and no one apart from her can change that.

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